DEV Community

Discussion on: Somewhat decent workflow for custom functions in Google apps script

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dan moore

thanks for this Mikael really helped me out!

FYI i've actually started using clasp with a slightly simpler setup, avoiding the gulpfile, though probs more limited:

seems like you can get a long way with those server errors just by including an exports.js file containing:

var exports = {};

then in my npm package.json scripts to turn client .js files into .js.html files:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "npm run build && mocha --exit --recursive --file test-stubs.js",
    "build": "for file in client/*.js; do cp \"$file\" \"$file.html\"; done"

also ATM i have stubs for the google server bits while i work out how best to test them, a .js file (included in .claspignore) containing for me:

var localFunctions = {
    loadQueries: function() {},
    checkActivity: function() {}
var run = {
    withSuccessHandler: function() {
        return localFunctions
} = {
    script: {
        run: run

which works... for now!