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Try to refactor your application

Tell me, please, try to refactor your application, what aspects should I pay attention to, first of all, maybe there are some articles that will be useful to me. I understand that it all depends on the technologies that can be used, but in general, maybe there are some general rules / best practices.

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When it comes to refactoring an application, there are a few key aspects to consider. Some general best practices include:

  1. Start by identifying areas of your code that are hard to read, understand, or maintain. These are often good candidates for refactoring.

  2. Use refactoring techniques to improve the structure and design of your code without changing its functionality. This can include things like extracting methods or variables, renaming variables or methods, or restructuring code to make it more modular and reusable.

  3. Use automated tools, such as static analysis tools or linters, to help identify potential refactoring opportunities. These tools can help you catch common coding mistakes or suggest code improvements.

  4. Test your code thoroughly after refactoring to make sure that the changes you made did not introduce any new bugs or issues.

  5. Use version control to track your changes and make it easy to roll back any changes if necessary.

There are many resources available online that can provide guidance on how to refactor your code. Some articles and tutorials that might be helpful include:

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