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Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v113

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tiagojdf profile image
Tiago Ferreira

Hi Danielle,
I can tell you a little bit of what worked for me when I learned web dev. It might not apply at all to your case, but who knows.
When I learned web dev, I had a bit of free time in my hands (was looking for my first job), so I bought myself a 6 month license for codeschool (they've been bought by pluralsight and changed a lot, so I can't really say if they are good or bad nowadays). Having a program, and a structured path for learning really helped me staying focused.
On top of that I did a few projects that helped consolidating all I had learned. The first was building my CV as a github page and after that I challenged myself to make a game. Ended up participating in Ludum dare and making a small game.
A part from that, I started going to meetups, discovering the community around me and learning new things.

daniellejag profile image
Danielle Jag

Hello Tiago,
I appreciate your feedback, thank you! Ludum dare sounds awesome and congrats on the game, I'll have to check it out. Looks like the structure from a good code school helps connect the pieces and fill in any pockets of uncertainty. ...I'll look into the school you recommended.
I've never seen such a supportive community online like there is for coding. I'd love to meet people in my area, I'm sure its extremely fun to work on projects/learn together.

Thanks again for sharing your journey and providing some insight :)