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Top comments (195)
Hey! I'm Tiffany and I am a frontend dev from Toronto. I am currently working at a startup and also looking for new opportunities. I am a fairly new dev and just trying to navigate through this industry, spoiler alert, it's kind of hard! I started out trying to do full-stack but found that I was spreading myself too thin and I had more of an interest in frontend so that is what I am focusing my energy on now. I look forward to being part of this community, sharing, and learning from you all!
Welcome to DEV!
Hahah thanks!
Nothing beats a good spider-man gif...
fun fact ;)
Welcome to Dev! Hope you have a wonderful journey in your career! 💙
Welcome, Tiffany! I think one thing that is consistent throughout this career is that we're always figuring it out as we go. Good luck finding your new role!
Yes! You sure are right with that, it can be difficult but so rewarding!
Hey Tiffany, great to meet you! 👋🏻
What kind of stuff do you find yourself using most in your front-end work? I’ve always struggled with front-end, so I’d love any insight you have!
Hey, nice to meet you too! I use React most of the time, it makes frontend a lot more fun for me because you can really just get going with building interactive things. I have also begun using SASS for my CSS because it can keep things very clean! I definitely have the same feeling towards backend stuff haha
Spoiler alert: It gets easier.
Hi Tiffany! Welcome to DEV :) It feels hard in the beginning to be a dev, especially because everywhere around you everything looks amazing. I think joining a community like this can be a great way to keep up with what's happening around you, without putting to much stress on it.
If at some point you feel like you should be posting more, writing another article, learning another tech; remember that this is not meant to be a second job, but rather a community of nice people to hang around. I remember when I started learning web dev that people around me were writing articles, or trying all the new things; and how that fed my impostor syndrome. Taking it slow is usually the answer. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.
Hi Tiffany! Good luck on your developer journey!
Hello Tiffany,
My name is Leopoldo, I am also brand new to dev. I hope to learn more about leveraging frontends and database eCommerce. Best of luck to you in the future, perhaps we will learn from each other.
Hi friends! A very warm welcome to the community. I can't wait to read your stories and connect over software development and life in general here on DEV 🌈
Hey Gracie, nice to greet you. Hope you're having a great day and successful 2021.
Best, Tyler!
Hey! I'm Luis Perez and I am frontend dev from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I work for Hotmart Group and I plan to post here some learnings during all my path as developer. I just started writing articles, so please let me know if you like them and I am open for discussions. That's how we learn and growth things nowadays.
I also hope to learn many things based on the tags i am following! =)
Welcome to DEV!
Hi, I'm Ahmad. I'm new here too. I willcheck it out definetely
Hey everyone! I'm Ricky and I live in LA. I'm a front-end web developer who has been learning HTML and CSS for two months and is about to start learning JavaScript. What brought me here were the stickers that I kept seeing on Twitter, as I follow a lot of developers there. I just thought wow, where is everyone getting these awesome stickers? And I ended up discovering this very cool community, luckily. :) I'm here to share as I continue to learn web development, start writing some blog posts, and to learn a lot from all of you. Cheers!
Hi Ricky!
Cool story about how you found DEV. I see you are now moving to JS. When I started learning HTML and CSS, the first project I did was creating a github page with just css and html. After that I decided to learn js to make a game. Ended up participating in a ludum dare game jam. Thought it was really fun, highly recommend it :)
Hey Tiago :) Can you share more about the Github page you created? I'm trying to build as many HTML & CSS projects as I can :) Also, I had never heard of a ludum dare game jam. They sound awesome! I'm going to keep learning JS and maybe I'll participate in the next one!
Sure, but I am not very proud of that page nowadays :p
The "portfolio" section was added after the ludum dare and updated once I started working, but the rest of the page was done when I was still learning.
Also be sure to look for meetups or other communities near you :)
I have now started a new site tiagojdf.com :)
Hello Ricky,
Welcome on board on this new world that is programming!
Hi, I'm Destiny Aigbe and I'm currently learning ruby on rails. I am a junior dev and I'm here to share what I learn.
Welcome to DEV!
You might find this list of Rails resources helpful.
What are/were your go to resources for learning Ruby and Rails?
Nick Taylor (he/him) ・ Aug 18 '18 ・ 1 min read
Hey Destiny! Can you share a bit of what Ruby on Rails is used for? I have heard it mentioned it a lot. Thanks and good luck :)
Hello Rick, I'm glad you asked. Ruby on rails is a web programming framework of the programming language ruby. It is a full stack web framework and it is used to build website. It's about 70 percent back, and 30 percent frontend. So for jobs and internships, it is more of backend they refer to it as.
Hello everyone! My name is Demetrio, I am a Full Stack Web Developer who recently graduated from Flatiron School's Software Engineering program. I'm looking for new opportunities as they arise but also looking to continue building my skillsets so any resources or leads are greatly appreciated! I hope that I can make a positive impact on the community and look forward to hearing from all of you.
Hey Demetrio! Congrats on graduating! I am also in a similar position as you, good luck to us haha
Welcome to DEV!
Hello everyone! I'm Tuana, the Developer Advocate at Cumul.io. My company is based in Belgium but I'm currently working remotely from the UK. I studied Computer Science and then was a full time C++ developer for a while, but am now doing developer advocacy because it satisfies my social side a bit more :) So far I've been writing on our own company blog and medium, but I'm looking to raise more awareness of our platform so hope to share some content here too. And of course, use this space to learn, see some cool projects!
Hi Tuana! How has your experience been writing on Medium (I've been thinking about doing that recently)? And what's your link??
Hi Jules, I quite enjoy it. I write on our company blog (which has a variety of topics not just tech) and re-post on medium too to make that a mostly tech blog. Here's my link: tuanacelik.medium.com/ (also company publication: medium.com/cumul-io)
That's awesome! Welcome to DEV! 🔥
Hey everyone! I’m currently a grad student working towards my MSc in Data Science—I did my undergrads in Comp Sci and Mathematics though!
I’m a long-time Python programmer, but I’ve recently been moving on to Rust (which I absolutely adore way more than I ever imagined) and Haskell, and I’m eyeing Scala somewhat longingly. I really enjoy building backend systems and packages, especially stuff that can be used by the FOSS community! And I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for implementing academic-oriented stuff when I can.
One of my biggest guilty-pleasures is in computational logics—in my short PhD stint, I took a course on this and was absolutely enamored! I love learning about different logics and thinking about their applications to concepts, and I really really enjoy the process of drawing out logic proofs. Still haven’t grasped logic programming though—just never wants to fit into my mental model just right. 🤷🏼♂️
Long-winded, but hey! It’s me!
Hey! I hope one day I can delve into more comp sci/backend technologies. It interests me so much, but it is a little harder for me to get good at. I look forward to what you have to share :)
Hi Danielle,
I can tell you a little bit of what worked for me when I learned web dev. It might not apply at all to your case, but who knows.
When I learned web dev, I had a bit of free time in my hands (was looking for my first job), so I bought myself a 6 month license for codeschool (they've been bought by pluralsight and changed a lot, so I can't really say if they are good or bad nowadays). Having a program, and a structured path for learning really helped me staying focused.
On top of that I did a few projects that helped consolidating all I had learned. The first was building my CV as a github page and after that I challenged myself to make a game. Ended up participating in Ludum dare and making a small game.
A part from that, I started going to meetups, discovering the community around me and learning new things.
Hello Tiago,
I appreciate your feedback, thank you! Ludum dare sounds awesome and congrats on the game, I'll have to check it out. Looks like the structure from a good code school helps connect the pieces and fill in any pockets of uncertainty. ...I'll look into the school you recommended.
I've never seen such a supportive community online like there is for coding. I'd love to meet people in my area, I'm sure its extremely fun to work on projects/learn together.
Thanks again for sharing your journey and providing some insight :)
Hello Everyone! I'm Saqib and I am currently working as Senior Engineer at an EMR company. In my current role I look after a team of few developers. Primary development is done in PHP and frameworks (symfony, CakePHP and Zend Framework). Other than that I have working experience in Java, C# .NET and C/C++. I am a big advocate of C/C++ :).
These days I am trying to get my head around Node.js and couple of other JS frameworks to stay up-to-date with the industry. Please feel free to suggest good starting points for JS Frameworks.
I am in love with vue js... Wow
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