DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
dansilcox profile image
Dan Silcox

Wow you’ve been busy!

Firstly well done for reaching out to the community - knowing when to ask for help is in itself a key skill, which not everyone is good at.

In terms of more specific roles, I think it might help you to have a think about what in amongst all that you most enjoy and what path you want to start down - the tech industry is so huge you have almost infinite different roles you could fill, so it’s easy to get lost in it all unless you have a clear goal of what you want.

So I’d encourage you to spend some time reflecting on the things you’ve done - what did you enjoy, what did you absolutely hate? Where do you want to go from here?

If you want to be a mobile developer then you probably don’t need to worry too much about database stuff right now, focus on UX, state management, consuming APIs, etc.

Key thing is don’t try and be an expert at EVERYTHING - it’s impossible! Best to be ‘ok’ at a few things and more of an expert at just one or two things to start with. You can always ‘pivot’ to something else later on.

I’d also say if you can, do some real projects for other people, whether that’s getting a dev job (which I know you’ll likely need to already have experience before you can get), do some projects on fiverr or something, or see if there are any local businesses or charities who you can do work for as part of your learning.

Of course I’m just giving my opinion; there are countless ways to do this. Best thing is just to start rather than getting ‘analysis paralysis’ figuring out what to do! All the best as you start your journey :)

moutasim profile image
Moutasim EL Ayoubi • Edited

What I want to learn and work with is Actually Native Development and Web Applications and be able to make the front end and backend myself before joining or having a team, cause I like both of them, and Both are just Good for my interests.

currently I am stydying Java as my first language, till now I know Core programming, object oriented and some other fundamentals of software development.

What would you recommend to start learning first and Making my First Project with? Native or Web application as I am studying java Right now...

dansilcox profile image
Dan Silcox

Java is one of those general ‘work horse’ languages that can kind of do anything which is great but can be overwhelming. I’d say maybe start with building a simple Android app to solve a problem you or a friend has, focussing on how the user experience works etc, and use any times you need a ‘backend’ for it as a chance to learn a bit of the web/API development part. I don’t really know Java so can’t assist with more specifics unfortunately... all the best with it!

moutasim profile image
Moutasim EL Ayoubi

Thanks Dude, Much Appreciated ♥️