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What is PostgreSQL?

In our latest blog, we explore a key technology in our toolkit: PostgreSQL, commonly known as β€˜Postgres’. Since its inception in the late 1980s, PostgreSQL has been a reliable and versatile choice for database management, known for its robust features and open-source status.


PostgreSQL originated in the 1980s at the University of California, Berkeley. It started as a successor to the Ingres database, under the leadership of Professor Michael Stonebraker. The original name 'POSTGRES' reflects its post-Ingres development, and it was later renamed to PostgreSQL to highlight its SQL capabilities. The system was designed to expand database functionalities, introducing user-defined types and table inheritance early in its development. Over the years, PostgreSQL evolved with contributions from a global community, growing into a powerful, open-source object-relational database system widely adopted in various industries.


PostgreSQL offers several advantages both from a technological and business perspective. Technically, it stands out with advanced data management capabilities, high performance and reliability due to features like MVCC, and extensive indexing options. For businesses, PostgreSQL provides robust security features, scalable architecture suitable for various workloads, and cost-effectiveness owing to its open-source framework. These attributes make it a strategic choice for organizations seeking a reliable, versatile database solution.


PostgreSQL's blend of advanced technical features and business-friendly attributes makes it a top choice for organizations seeking a robust, scalable, and cost-effective database solution.

Want to learn more? Read the full blog on our website.

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