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[Comment from a deleted post]
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𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Expressing nazi views isn't necessarily illegal; there has to be an intent to incite hate, which is a big part of what nazis usually do, but not all of it.

Anyway; I was considering the context mentioned in the original comment talking about a nazi not expressing their views (at work, specifically), so the whole "If you're at a table where a Nazi starts expressing their views" part is already a different situation.

Personally, even in that case, I'd usually try to explain why their ideas make no sense instead of just telling them to get lost. I am completely indifferent to sitting at a table or otherwise associating with nazis. The only meaningful factor is whether I can steer them even just a little bit away from that path or not. If yes, then good. If no, at least I tried.