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Discussion on: Windows or Mac (or Linux😁) for devs?

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

MacBook is so beautiful, and it can be very fast when you know the cords

re beautiful: link

re fast: have a look at what some people can do with i3 or awesome. Those systems are optimized for fast user interaction with a steep and long learning curve, so you can keep improving and getting more proficient for a long time. Alternatively, something like cinnamon gives you nice defaults that let you be productive from the start while still letting you customize many aspects so they're more in line with your preferred way of interacting with your PC.

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arto20 profile image
Arto20 • Edited

Oh, don't get me wrong - I was using Arch Linux +i3wm exclusively for a few years of university and I still do use Linux at work.
I really like i3, it's a great and efficient working environment.
There are some major problems with it. It really requires a lot of setup in order to make it usable. Also you need to have quite a good knowledge about Linux in order to be able to set it up correctly.
And one thing I really don't like - UI scaling doesn't work as good as on other systems. In my case it's kind of deal breaker - I use 150% scaling on Windows, and on Linux it's always blurry, no matter if I use Wayland or Xorg. I guess there may be some solution, but I was tired of looking for solutions and just wanted a working environment so I can focus on programming instead of tweaking my OS. :P
But Linux is great, I'd never say it's worse than Win or MacOS - it's just different approach, which just doesn't fit (at this moment!) my work needs.