DEV Community

Discussion on: Ubuntu Terminal in CSS

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

We've got a Web Component which, with Prismjs underneath, highlight code and displays it in a styled Mac-like window.

We use the component in DeckDeckGo and we also provide it as a Gatsby plugin

Your article gave me the idea that maybe we could enhance it with another style of Window respectively with an Ubuntu like window style.

User of the component would be then able to select between Mac-isch style, Ubuntu-style or none.

Thanks for the article and idea ๐Ÿ‘

P.S.: If anyone is motivated to give a hand and contribute, I've opened a feature request in our repo about it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Trouble there is that Mac style is relatively unchanging, whereas "Ubuntu" style is for one flavour, with one set of defaults. Why stop there, why not cater for other DEs? And at that point... why make it about cloning things, and just open it up as a general "theme"?

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

General theming is already possible. The component exposes multiple CSS4 variables.

With these it's possible to style either the "window container" or the colors of the highlight code.

I think it's handy to have moreover than variables just one parameter to toggle between one theme or the other or none.

But yes why not, once a new "window style" added, why not repeat and adding more. Go big or go home ๐Ÿ˜‰

codypearce profile image
Cody Pearce

DeckDeckGo looks really cool

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco


And thank again for the great article Cody ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘