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Discussion on: What dev topic do you think you should understand, but don't?

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

I'm following yours - I think I'm pretty good on Monads, finally. That understanding came thorugh use alone, though, not blog posts. That said, have you seen Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures?

I still can't quite figure out how to use lenses. They look like something I should be able to get my head around but I'm not quite there yet.

akshayiyer12 profile image
Akshay Iyer

Where did you use Functors, Applicative and Monads patterns? Can you give some examples as well.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Here's a great overview of what a parser could look like using Applicatives, for example.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

A lens is just a way to get and set a part of a data structure. Seems like a "why would anyone need this?" situation at first. However, they can be composed to provide shortcut access to deeply nested states. The main place I found this useful is in doing functional UIs. Because I end up with deep state hierarchy to represent UI pieces, consisting of both records and unions. Even if it was just records, updating a nested property is pretty gross with immutability. E.g.

type C = { R : int }
type B = { C : C }
type A = { B : B }
type X = { A : A }

{x with A = {x.A with B = {x.A.B with C = {x.A.B.C with R = x.A.B.C.R + 1}}}}

So if this is something you do a lot, you can construct a lens to simplify updating R. A lens has get and set operations, but this is only set.

x |> x2rSet (fun oldR -> oldR + 1)

And you could even compose from other lenses. Here is a naive example of only the set part:

let x2aSet f x = { x with A = f x.A }
let a2bSet f a = { a with B = f a.B }
let b2cSet f b = { b with C = f b.C }
let c2rSet f c = { c with R = f c.R }
let x2rSet f x = x2aSet (a2bSet (b2cSet (c2rSet f))) x

Of course lens libraries exist to make it nicer to construct these with both get and set operations. However, I find I do not really use lens libraries. I usually just construct my own helper function "lenses" as needed.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

Wow, thank you! This is really helpful. I've definitely run into nested property hell. I think you're right, I've been overthinking it. I'm pretty sure I could apply this pattern to a recent project of mine - practical use is the best way to learn it.

I really appreciate the examples!