Web Test Runner is great and Testing Library is great. One problem is that the current versions of Testing Library are not fully compatible with esmodules. Using esbuild we can prepare our testing modules to make sure they run well in the browser.
Install Web Test Runner and Testing library.
npm i -D \
@web/test-runner \
@web/dev-server-import-maps \
@testing-library/dom \
@testing-library/user-event \
Next run the following command. This will output bundled esmodule compatible files into a directory called ./testing-library.
esbuild \
./node_modules/@testing-library/* \
--bundle \
--outdir=testing-library \
Finally we can configure web-test-runner using import maps. Import maps allow the browser to map a give import token to a particular file.
import { importMapsPlugin } from "@web/dev-server-import-maps";
export default {
nodeResolve: true,
files: ["src/**/*.test.js"],
plugins: [
inject: {
importMap: {
imports: {
"@testing-library/dom": "./testing-library/dom.js",
"@testing-library/user-event": "./testing-library/user-event.js",
Ideally in the future we won't need to do things like this but for now this is a solid workaround using tools that are already installed by web-test-runner.
Top comments (1)
Thanks for the advice. I didn't know it was this simple with ESBuild ๐