DEV Community

Discussion on: Windows or Mac (or Linux😁) for devs?

deozza profile image
Edenn Touitou

Web developper, amateur musician and gamer here. To me, the perfect OS must handle those 3 activities.

Linux is perfect for web development. Everything run smoothly and can be customized to your personal tastes. For gaming, thanks to protondb it improved a lot. But there are still games that I can't play on linux. And about music, well none of the VST I use are linux-compatible.

I only used mac for 4 months last year. No complains for coding on it. I have no experience on it for music production, but I know for a fact that it's way ahead of all its competitors. And gaming... Well apart from wow...

And now windows. Obviously the best choice for gaming. Music production could be improved, the drivers and audio routing is not as good as on Mac. And thanks to WSL2, I can code with the same workflow as if I was on Linux.

So in conclusion, windows for the win !

devlorenzo profile image

Finally a windows lover! I also think that Windows is the best for gaming + development + work (combining al three), even if I never really tried linux.
I also have to notice that Mac's are incredible for their free softwares (iMovie, music Kits...)