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The 15 Must-Read Remote Work Blogs for a Great Remote Career

Imagine this: You are sitting on a lounge chair at a beach shack as the light breeze at dawn gently brushes against your face, disheveling your hair while the sound of waves rushing to the shore lulls you into a state of Nirvana.

With your sunglasses on, iced coffee in your hand and lo-fi music playing in the background, you swift back into work mode as the beautiful sunsets into the horizon.

Sounds like a dream, right?

Thanks to our dear friend, the internet, this dream is becoming a reality now.

Worldwide connectivity and technological advancements have opened up new possibilities in terms of work.

The traditional system of travelling to the office is shattered by the leisure of remote working from anywhere you want in the world.

With the onset of Covid, remote work has seen a massive boom as more and more companies are shifting to work from home setup.

This has made people realize that their work can be performed from anywhere in the world as the veil of the necessity of work from office has been lifted.

Travelling to exotic hidden locations that are yet to be commercialized, enjoying the serenity and tranquillity of a mountainside cabin or the breezy vibes of a beachside villa while making enough dough to sustain this lifestyle has become a reality for numerous people now.

Although remote work is a lucrative option with more and more people shifting towards it, it does come with its share of downfalls that can cost you your livelihood if not kept in check.

With all this jazz surrounding it, sometimes it gets challenging to keep track of time.

Next thing you know, you are throwing your phone in the garbage to avoid that scary ringing tone of your bosses’ repeated calls.

Hence, we’ve curated a list of remote work blogs that will help you adjust to this lifestyle in no time.

These remote work blogs are filled with tips, tricks, software recommendations, and more that will help you maintain an optimum work-life balance in your remote work journey.

The 15 Must-Read Remote Work Blogs for a Great Remote Career in 2022

Here’s our list of the 10 Best remote work blogs:

  1. WeWorkRemotely
  2. RemoteYear
  3. Coworkaholic
  5. NomadicMatt
  9. Shut Up and Go
  10. Hubspot Blog
  11. Remote-How
  12. Hobo With a Laptop
  13. WorkfromHomeHappiness
  14. Home Office Life
  15. Out of Office Gal

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