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Diretnan Domnan

GitHub logo deven96 / whatsticker

Converting from image/gif/videos on whatsapp to a sticker by using a caption in a chat where the bot is present



A Whatsapp bot that turns pictures, small videos and gifs into stickers with the caption stickerize deven96

Chat with Whatsticker


Simple Requirements

If you are not interested in running a copy of the project then feel free to use the whatsticker number provided. You can also add it to group chats and it will work the exact same way. There might be occasional downtime but except it gets blocked it should be pretty reliable

Technical Requirements

Generating Credentials

  • Download Go modules

    # Downloads go modules
    go mod tidy
    Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Run go run main.go to show qr code for login on terminal

    Example QR Code

  • Link device as explained on WhatsApp FAQ

A folder db/ will be automatically created containing sqlite db with credentials. No need to login over and over except logged out on main device. You can copy this folder to target machine and it still works

Had a lot of fun playing with this over the last few weeks