DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v73

devillers profile image
Martin Devillers

Hi there!

I am Martin, a software engineer from the Netherlands, currently in the United States. I started programming when I was ten years old, graduated with honors from my university in 2011 and ended up leading large-scale national IT-initiatives like in my country. Despite all this I firmly belief I suck at coding and feel my best days are when I throw away a bunch of code.

I love software development because the options are limitless and the engineering community is incredibly open and supportive. I strongly belief that we can use technology to improve our lives and ultimately unite the world. Hopefully this will happen before we destroy it.

Anyway, I'm here to share my ramblings, present my pet projects and by the end of the day: learn a thing or two.

ā¤ Martin

jstewart8053 profile image

Can't wait to read your! Welcome!