DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v310

Welcome Thread - v310

Sloan the DEV Moderator on January 15, 2025

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself. ...
spingyan profile image

Last year, due to work requirements, I revisited C programming development. As an engineer entering middle age, I refuse to give up my passion for coding. I hope to continuously improve my skills, maintain a learning mindset, and never give up!

juniourrau profile image
Ravin Rau

That is the sprite of a true software engineer. Never stop learning and keep improving your skills. This reminds me of henry ford's quote.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

Stay young and keep learning. All the best Spring Yan.

spingyan profile image

Thank you very much, bro.

kingyobs profile image
Ehilato Iyobosa God-desire

Thanks alot

justenmx profile image
Justen Manni

@spingyan It’s never too late to learn, and your persistence is a reminder that age is no barrier to pursuing what you love. Keep going strong—you’ve got this!

midodeerah profile image

That’s inspiring!

devmohammadsa profile image
Mohammad Albuainain

Good job! keep it up

campbell_jnbaptiste_5e47 profile image
Campbell Jn Baptiste

I am currently learning web dev.
But my focus is javascript (I am a beginner).
Can someone help me ?

thecodexakash profile image
Akash Kumar

Hi Campbell, apart from learning the fundamentals of JS, it is more important to practice at the same time.
Visit if you want to get really good at programming.
Happy Coding!

sawaira_iqbal_da835ff3974 profile image
Sawaira Iqbal

Hi, broh i learned mern stack but i am frustrating to amke real time projects from where i take help please suggest any source which provide praticall projects with explianation?

Thread Thread
thecodexakash profile image
Akash Kumar

Hi Sawaira, it's best to start with some Youtube tutorials, however for complete source code, checkout this link. Hope this helps.

Happy Learning!

campbell_jnbaptiste_5e47 profile image
Campbell Jn Baptiste


passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

Hey there Campbell,
Welcome to the community
Sure, as someone who has also started learning JavaScript recently, I would love to help you.
What do you need help with?

  1. Understanding the fundamentals [ Variables, functions, Arrays etc ]
  2. Getting some beginner projects done [ Todo App (Classic), Portfolio, Calculator etc ]
  3. Where to learn JS:

If you are more of a visual learner I highly recommend Bro Code on YouTube.
I am no expert but I am also willing to collaborate on mini projects with/ teach you (Practice and experience are key teachers in learning code). Please feel free to ask any questions or reach out to me personally if needed 👌😌

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campbell_jnbaptiste_5e47 profile image
Campbell Jn Baptiste

Thank you very much, appreciate your help.
I will reach out to you whenever needed.

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campbell_jnbaptiste_5e47 profile image
Campbell Jn Baptiste

Can you also provide some tips to learn programming.
How do you learn on those websites?

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passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

One common trap us beginners often fall into is underestimating the learning process. Whether you're diving into the basics or tackling more complex concepts, keep these tips in mind:

- Don’t Overlook the Essentials

Focus on what you should know. Skipping over fundamental concepts can cause gaps in your understanding later on.

- Avoid Skimming

Learning isn’t just about exposure—it's about understanding. If you’re simply browsing through content, you might feel like you "get it," but deep comprehension takes time. Go at your own pace.

- Bridge Theory and Practice

Understanding concepts theoretically is great, but true mastery comes from practical application. Put what you’ve learned into action—practice what you preach (literally lol).

- Master the Basics First (Yes I am Emphasizing the basics a lot :)...)

It’s easy to get excited about advanced topics because they seem more impressive or project-worthy. Resist the urge to skip ahead. A solid foundation in the basics is essential for long-term success.

- Quality Over Quantity

You don’t need 15 projects using every JavaScript library in existence. Focus on building a few solid projects using the most widely-used libraries and frameworks.

- Research In-Demand Skills

Investigate the tech stacks popular in your region or desired industry. Alternatively, if you’re aiming for a specific company, check which niche technologies they use and tailor your learning accordingly.

- Stay Passionate Through Challenges

Programming is a mix of joy and frustration. Some days you’ll have a lot of fun (trust me), and other days.... you’ll be digging through outdated documentation or chasing down elusive answers on Stack Overflow because someone found the fix to your specific error but never posted it (`love when this happens_😂). Remember:

Passion over pain

(Literally my digital name hehe). It’s your journey, and only you have the power to navigate it.

Final Note: You’ve got this! Keep moving forward and never let temporary setbacks define your learning process. 🔥

Good luck, @campbell_jnbaptiste_5e47! 👌😌

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campbell_jnbaptiste_5e47 profile image
Campbell Jn Baptiste

Thank you!!!
I actually just make two projects
A todo-list and a kind of market where you can put item to your cart, the cart will update each time a product is added and give you the total amount but still it's not good yet cause I want to make the program able to recognize when the same product is added over and over.
For the todo-list I just want to make the change permanent where I can close the page but once I reload it to find my previous work.

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campbell_jnbaptiste_5e47 profile image
Campbell Jn Baptiste

Thank you very much.
I actually made two projects
-todo-list app but I didn't find out a way to store my task so even though I close the page but my task will stay still whenever I return to the page. Like a localstorage

-market where you add product to your cart they will be updated each time you put a new one in it and give you the total amount for them. I want to improve it by making it smart enough to recognize a product that has already been added.

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passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

Okay so from my perspective here is how I would approach those two dilemmas:

  • Market Web App: Keeps track of items and quantities in a cart using an array of objects and updates dynamically.

  • Todo List: Uses localStorage for persistence, ensuring your tasks are saved across sessions.

Try Problem One Yourself First, Then Here Is a Possible Solution:

// Initial items in the store
let items = [
  { Name: "Bread", Price: 2, Quantity: 0 },
  { Name: "Butter", Price: 3, Quantity: 0 },
  { Name: "Milk", Price: 1.5, Quantity: 0 }

// Shopping cart starts empty
let shoppingBag = [];

// Function to add items to the shopping bag
function addToBag(itemName, qty) {
  // Find the item in the store
  let item = items.find(i => i.Name === itemName);

  if (!item) {
    console.log("Item not found!");

  // Check if the item is already in the shopping bag
  let cartItem = shoppingBag.find(i => i.Name === itemName);

  if (cartItem) {
    // If the item exists, update the quantity
    cartItem.Quantity += qty;
  } else {
    // If it's a new item, add it to the cart with the given quantity
    shoppingBag.push({ ...item, Quantity: qty });

  // Print the updated shopping bag
  console.log("Shopping Bag Updated:", shoppingBag);

// Example Usage
addToBag("Bread", 2); // Adds 2 Bread
addToBag("Milk", 1);  // Adds 1 Milk
addToBag("Bread", 1); // Updates Bread to 3 in the cart

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Try Problem Two Yourself First, Then Here Is a Possible Solution:

// Get saved todos from localStorage or initialize an empty array
let todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todos")) || [];

// Function to add a todo
function addTodo(task) {
  todos.push({ task: task, completed: false });
  console.log("Todo Added:", task);

// Function to toggle task completion
function toggleTodo(index) {
  if (todos[index]) {
    todos[index].completed = !todos[index].completed;
    console.log(`Todo ${index} marked as ${todos[index].completed ? "completed" : "incomplete"}`);

// Function to save todos to localStorage
function saveTodos() {
  localStorage.setItem("todos", JSON.stringify(todos));

// Function to display todos
function displayTodos() {
  console.log("Current Todos:");
  todos.forEach((todo, index) => {
    console.log(`${index + 1}. ${todo.task} [${todo.completed ? "Completed" : "Incomplete"}]`);

// Example Usage
addTodo("Learn JavaScript"); // Adds a new task
addTodo("Build a todo app"); // Adds another task
toggleTodo(0);               // Marks the first task as completed
displayTodos();              // Displays all tasks

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That was a lot... If needed you can reach out to me on GitHub so I can review things in the future, collab or add issues instead of answering here in the welcoming thread , plus PRs will make merging easier than copying and pasting, you know version control and all.

shivani_daksh profile image
Shivani Daksh

I am a beginner in js too ,

codiker profile image
Elder Urzola

Good luck!

divyansh_webyansh profile image
Divyansh Agarwal

Once you master web dev, you can choose a good website builder to build website at scale if you want to do freelancing or create your own agency.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Welcome to DEV everyone!

hookedupinc profile image
Hookedup Joe

I have been doing application development since the 1900s, since before windows was in use. Developed stuff in all types of systems backend and client side. Been developing in JavaScript since its inception, including jQuery, ExtJS, Dojo, Angular and React. Also develop LED controllers using micro controllers with a Java maker app and mobile apps for control in both app stores. Here to find developers to discuss developer level stuff with :) *Howdy! *

juniourrau profile image
Ravin Rau

Oh wow an OG. Hi @hookedupinc, really nice to have someone with decade of experience joining Looking forward to heard/read from your articles about your learning. Really interested on your thoughts on the transition that you have been through, the dot com era, the mobile revolution, cloud and now the AI advancement.

abhay_yt_52a8e72b213be229 profile image
Abhay Singh Kathayat

Hello everyone! I'm here to guide and assist you on your learning journey. I love helping people explore new skills, solve problems, and achieve their goals. A fun fact about me: I can answer almost any question, so feel free to challenge me! Looking forward to learning and growing together with you all! 😊

kundrapu_harika_6527a0fc2 profile image
Kundrapu harika

Seeking Collaborators for Healthcare Tech to Track Expiry Dates on Medicine Strips
Many people buy medicine strips but don’t use the whole strip. As a result, they leave unused pills that may expire, leading to wastage. Additionally, without a visible expiry date on the partially used strips, people often become doubtful about using them after a long period.

This causes confusion and prevents people from using the medicine, resulting in unnecessary wastage. The absence of a clear expiry date on the remaining pills can lead to financial loss and health risks.

I’m thinking of developing a mobile app that helps users track medicine usage and expiry dates. By scanning the barcode on the medicine strip, the app will notify users when the medicine is about to expire or if it's still safe to use. This will help reduce waste and improve medication safety.

I have zero idea on how to do but I just want to find like-minded people who can help me in my learning journey

kentaromorishita profile image

Hi everyone! 👋

I've been working as an engineer in Japan for about 13 years. My favorites are TypeScript and React. Recently, I created an interesting npm library called F-Box. It makes coding not just easier, but also more enjoyable. Especially if you're into TypeScript and React. Check out my post for more details

React State Management Made Easy! A Complete Guide to the Basics of F-Box

Hope to connect with fellow devs here!

empiree profile image
Oleg Dubovoi

Hey! Let's connect on each other on GitHub!

limuss profile image

A 20 year old , wasted my 2 years in college; this edu. System sucks . Now on a journey of self development. Coding is fun especially java development. Am trying on some other techs also . Let’s connect guys and

passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

From a junior dev, who also feels like college qualifications don't really equip you with essential skills to become an Actual developer these days ( I haven't worked in industry but have experienced enough school to the extent that I know what I know and it's not enough, sure it's a base to build on but these days the requirements are extremely high. Even for entry level), to another: I am also building myself outside of academics and would enjoy walking this road with you @limuss , welcome to the fam. 👌✔

limuss profile image

Yup, college academics is all about attendance ( which eventually is a waste of time ) , attending boring lectures of professors on outdated topics/ subjects. It is great to hear that you are equipping yourself with skills outside the academics . Believe me there is a lot of f**king gap between what is taught in college (also the way they teach) and the industrial knowledge.

Yup it will be a great journey ; am damn sure about it .. thanks a lot .

Thread Thread
passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

That's why it's great to see other juniors join communities. You spend most of your time sheltered in college thinking that paying so much in tuition will get you a high paying job rather than going out off your way to do more. Companies should be willing to invest in people who invest in themselves and as the current costs of college rise, the value of a qualification should too from a financial perspective. The fact that you are paying so much, that should be a testament to your eagerness to learn or at least a basis of it but no. You need more. At the end of the day it's what we seek not what is given, sounds greedy but people need to make ends meet. Also do you have a GitHub @limuss ? I would love to review your work or get feedback on some of my projects sometime. While I am not knowledgeable in Java I do know quite a bit about JavaScript and C#.

marcotcdev profile image

Hello folks,

My name is Marco, like you I'm also a software developer, my main focus has been Android Development for the past five years, along with some Backend and Frontend development. I worked with Embedded systems before that, but currently I'm an AI and Data Science enthusiast, despite the apocaliptic nature of some of my articles. Currently looking for a project to be part of, or a new opportunity I can contribute to.

empiree profile image
Oleg Dubovoi

Hey Marco! Let's connect on each other on GitHub!

marcotcdev profile image

Yes, thank you. Here's my account:

drlivesey profile image

Hey folks,
I'm a senior Java dev, lastly working on projects in Cloud environments such as GCP and AWS. Worked in Data Security and FinTech fields. Looking forward to find here inspiration for new ideas and learning new things.
Y'all have a great day!

femi_oladokun_0e32464a67e profile image
Femi Oladokun

Hello can we chat please

passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

Hello Femi
Welcome to the dev community🙌
Sure, always open for a good discussion, what would you like to talk about ?

francis_avinash profile image
Francis Avinash

Hello everyone,
I am deeply passionate about solving problems in the digital world and enjoy exploring both new and traditional approaches to problem-solving. Currently, I am focused on learning Python as my primary programming language, alongside mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) concepts.

I am excited to discover the knowledge and experiences this community has to offer and look forward to learning and growing together.
I'm thrilled to be a part of this amazing community!

empiree profile image
Oleg Dubovoi

Hey Francis! Let's connect on each other on GitHub!

devcecelia profile image
Cecelia Braswell

Hello out there in devLand! A YouTube video from Fireship brought me here. I'm a self-taught front-end web developer who has been stuck in a tutorial nightmare for the past 2 years. I'm hoping to immerse myself into the dev community and would like to find some like minded peers/mentorship. I'm currently working on getting a deeper understanding of the fundamentals, (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and hoping to build some projects to show potential employers that are not just cookie cutter, slightly edited copies from a YouTube video I watched. The dream is to land my first job in tech and create a better future for myself and my family. I'm determined to make that dream a reality this year. Thanks everyone for being a part of this journey with me.

passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

Ahh classic Fireship, such a legend. Glad to see we are subscribed to similar content on YouTube @devcecelia . First off I must commend your determination to get out of tutorial (opposite of heaven devs call it 😂), honestly we all start like that, having these big aspirations but not knowing how to manifest them into reality. What worked for me is just starting... Seriously whatever it is right? Start with a simple small function or even a simple landing page/ hero section then build on that. You continue building, building... building... More Building then the process becomes Lego, just more fun and less painful to step on. If you don't know where to start, make something centered around your hobbies/interests (imagine your very own family photo gallery.. it will teach you a lot about css flexbox, grid display, pagination, sliders etc AND you will be passionate about it to show it to them = more desire to progress).

devcecelia profile image
Cecelia Braswell

Hi Tinotenda! Thanks so much for your response and words of wisdom. I especially love the analogy to Legos. It's advice that I'm currently taking. I want to build one awesome project to showcase on my portfolio that's all me, instead of a YouTube tutorial that I changed a few lines of code on. I'm currently working on an art portfolio for A.I. generated images of cats in different painting styles. I figured why not combine two things that I love, cats and coding. I'm calling it Artificial Purrfection. I've linked the GitHub if you want to check it out. I'd love some feedback or any further advice you may have to offer.

The deployed site.

Thread Thread
passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

I like the idea of Artificial Purrfection 😂 and well said, truly: You don't want to just in a constant loop of thinking you are making progress when you are just following the leader, when given the chance to be your own leader, it will be more difficult to adapt if you haven't taken charge of your own work. I checked it out and it looks good so far, I can already get a vision of what is to come and that's difficult to attain in the early stages of design. I see it's responsive as well which is good. I have forked the project and will keep up to date with the project itself. I have also sent you a connection request on LinkedIn so you can notify me of any major changes/ we can discuss how I can contribute as well as just to be friends 😌

rx06 profile image

It was Tracy Kidder's "The Soul of a New Machine" who triggered my interest in computing, developing me as a computer salesman in the eighties. I had to learn about computer languages, swap memory, networking, operating systems, etc. in a time without pc's and Nintendo's Donkey Kong was most popular for my kids. Always I am poking around coding and now I want to find out how I can capture flags.

ciaovietnam profile image
Nam Nguyen

Hi everyone,

My name is Nam Nguyen, I'm the creator of SiteGUI a low-code, AI powered open-platform for e-commerce and business operations that supports 3rd party apps and templates. I'm joining to share with other developers what we can build using SiteGUI. I'm new here though I did read many articles on before. I'm eager to start connecting with other developers, let's connect.

empiree profile image
Oleg Dubovoi

Hey Nam! Let's connect on each other on GitHub!

krzyslow profile image
Krzysztof Slowinski

Hello DEV,

In general, I enjoy problem-solving and engineering complex solutions the most. I specialise in data and cloud engineering, coming from a software engineering background with previous backend developer positions in Java and Scala. I focus on building data platforms on AWS using native services with AWS CDK in Python and TypeScript for infrastructure as code.

I look forward to getting inspired by the DEV community and periodically giving back my experience by sharing focused articles about interesting challenges I faced with the solutions I have built.


empiree profile image
Oleg Dubovoi

Hey Krzysztof! Let's connect on each other on GitHub!

arielle_distel_7f67c42806 profile image
Arielle Distel

Hi, I'm Arielle and I'm just starting on my Dev path. I just joined the Nucamp Web Fundamentals boot camp and I'm learning HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. I had self taught myself a lot of HTML some years back but I've let the skills slack so I'm back and looking at getting "official" education.

empiree profile image
Oleg Dubovoi

Hey Arielle! Let's connect on each other on GitHub!

zxndotsh profile image

Starting my WebDev journey with some writing as well, to get deeper into the topic and hopefully find some like-minded people to learn and evolve with :)

As I'm an IT guy in my work life as well, I think this will be pretty good in line.🤓

yashvi_bhuva profile image
Yashvi Bhuva

I just Landed on this platform a couple of minutes ago to find some amazing articles on tech talks, but that made me more curious to open the window more and clearly spend an hour without realizing a bit. People here are quite interested in an ocean of categorized knowledge. I love it!

archiea profile image
Archie Arevalo

Almost a month and going with Artix Linux. A couple of weeks ago, a friend suggested ZFS so it's what I'm researching now. It may me take a while to reach the usability phase after failing in three tries.

Hello to y'all!

narendrabandi_c4607d1c81e profile image

I have learned so many new things with DEV community. So soon I too would like to bring such a crystal clear content regarding Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, Postgresql, MongoDB, docker, Kubernetes, AWS...

rtk5k profile image
Ryan King

Hi. Newbie here. Joined because I'm beginning a career transition journey into development and really want to make connections along the way - this place looks a great place to do that! Looking forward to interacting

pranjul_saxena_7079329281 profile image
Pranjul Saxena • Edited

Hello everyone
"I am a second-year BTech student with a good understanding of the fundamentals of DSA. I am also interested in web development and am currently learning the MERN stack. Should I focus on learning both DSA and web development simultaneously, or should I complete one before moving on to the other? I also plan to secure an internship in my third year."

codiker profile image
Elder Urzola

I have decided to take this path, to pursue a degree in systems engineering, and now, as I’m nearing the end, I want to become a good developer to contribute to this amazing community and make my small contribution to the world of software development. Greetings to everyone!

md-salah profile image
Mohammed Salah • Edited

**My name is Md salah , an egyptian civil engineer and i love programming so i decided to learn C++ programming language to use it in my work and if i become professional in programming i hope to make shift career

Thanks for this greatful website **

divyansh_webyansh profile image
Divyansh Agarwal

Hi👋, I'm Divyansh, founder and CEO at Webyansh. Webyansh is an expert web design and webflow development agency in India.
Glad to be part of this community. Looking forward to learn and grow.

Our website: Webyansh

bhavishya_kolloori profile image

Hello everyone! I'm Bhavishya. I've just joined this community. I want to start competitve programming. Want to participate in contests and learn more. Hope I can find someone with similar goal and compete each other and grow together.

anand_gaikwad_io profile image
Anand Gaikwad

At the age of 40,s I started learning about coding, My dream was to become a software developer but it could not happen due to a lack of financial stability but I have just started learning Full Stack Developer

kundrapu_harika_6527a0fc2 profile image
Kundrapu harika • Edited

I am in a most confused state.I want to learn web development for doing some real life projects so that I can get interest towards learning and that will also add weight to my resume. This is why I thought of learning web development but whenever i get started i am feeling so doubtful in the path i am learning because in 2025 there are many things like tailwindcss which are already in built so I feel no meaning in lear ing all the things from scratch. Can anyone give clear idea for my learning journey.

edilzagomes profile image

Olá ,me chamo Edilza, eu cheguei aqui através do Booticamp da Dio ( indicação de Felipe Aguiar)
Estou em fase de conclusão no desafio " desenvolvendo meu primeiro desafio de código do zero.)_ tive uma experiência incrível.
Obrigada Dio.

carmenmyo profile image
Carmen M

Hi there,

I am completely new in the dev world and just started my training after switching from a design career.

Excited to learn and hopefully one day understand what currently still sounds quite cryptic to me 😅

passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

Most encryptions, if not all have a decryption algorithm that is tailor made to them. Don't feel overwhelmed by it all @carmenmyo , you'll master these skills in due time, you just have to find your own decryption algorithm to this cryptic stuff. Also, glad to hear you are an experienced designer of sorts, I would love to hear your thoughts on a couple of projects I have developed myself ? They work in functionality but I don't know about design and beauty is in the eye of the beholder therefore I am a bit biased when judging my designs 😂 Welcome to the community.

escored profile image
Artem Kuznets

Hello everyone! 👋 I'm a web developer specializing in WordPress and CMS customization. I'm here to share insights and learn from this amazing community. Currently diving into exploring AI for football predictions. Fun fact: I'm a huge football fan and run a project called "eScored" for predictions and stats. Excited to connect with you all! 🚀

sirever profile image

Explore the Auto Horizon Developer Challenge | Build Super dApps with Auto SDK!

Are you a developer or AI enthusiast? 🚀 Join the Auto Horizon Developer Challenge and build AI-powered decentralized applications (super dApps) or agent PoCs using the Auto SDK.

🏆 Prizes:

🥇 1st: $1,000 USDC

🥈 2nd: $500 USDC

🥉 3rd: $300 USDC

📅 Deadline: Jan 31, 2025

🔗 Learn More and Join:

Let’s create something groundbreaking together!

tamas_klement profile image
Tamás Klement

Hi everyone!

I am a beginner web developer. Now I'm learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
I'm glad to found this community!

Any help is appreciated!

passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

Hey @tamas_klement
Welcome to the community. Good to seeing you on the track of mastery in web development. Sure what would you like some assistance with? Project ideas, project collaboration or even self marketing, as I am also on the same web development journey, I would enjoy helping you 😌

tamas_klement profile image
Tamás Klement

Hi! Thank you for your message! I would be interested in my self marketing! Not long ago I started making my portfolio page. It will contain a landing page with a short introduction, a contact form, and some projects I have implemented. Do I need anything else?

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passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

Sounds like you already have a solid basis in what is required in a normal portfolio already which is good. Along with the elements that you mentioned you could add a testimonial/ references section. I understand you may not have any clients or companies you have worked with since you are a beginner such as myself but the way you can work around this is by adding some team members you have collaborated with or some open source projects can be highlighted as well in your project section. This will show that you are not only an expectational developer but you are able to work efficiently with a team, a nature most if not all developers undertake. Also don't forget to deploy your projects (if websites use GitHub pages) so that non technical people (HR) can see the idea you are selling more vividly.👌

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tamas_klement profile image
Tamás Klement

Thank you very much for the good advice! I'm still very new to web development, so I haven't had the chance to work with others yet. I am looking for such opportunities. Then I can add it to my reference. Do you know people who are happy to cooperate with beginners?

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passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

That is understandable @tamas_klement
In this very thread there are lots of beginner web developers such as yourself here. You can reach out to them through replying since doesn't offer direct messaging yet, alternatively if you can find their other socials such as X, LinkedIn or even email you can contact them through there. You have just found yourself one of those said people (Me) through engaging with the community. I am willing to review and collaborate on projects you currently have or are thinking of working on. To collaborate efficient (with me or any developer ) I highly recommend GitHub for version control, it will make your and other's development easier.
My GitHub
My Email

wj259 profile image
William Paul Jackson Jr

Hello everyone. My name is William. I am new to coding. I would love a career change but I don't even know where to start. There is just so much information out here. Do I need a degree to begin a career in developing software or do I take online courses and get certified. The most coding I did is a class I took in high school.

ibrahim_abdulmumin_8ebc5f profile image
Ibrahim Abdulmumin

Hi there,
i am ibrahim,
I am completely new in the dev world and just started my training after switching from a design career.

Excited to learn and hopefully one day understand what currently still sounds quite cryptic to me 😅

vishnu_ajit profile image
Vishnu Ajit

Hi, I'm Vishnu from Kerala, India.

I'm a computer science programmer and now been delving into Machine Learning via the Python programming language.

Nice to meet you folks. Thanks for the welcome thread. Looking for more discussions on machine learning specifically supervised machine learning algorithms involving Linear Regression, Logistic Regression or RandomForestClassifier.

justenmx profile image
Justen Manni

Hi, I’m Justen 👋🏼
Based in Singapore, I’m a full-stack developer with experience in JavaScript, React, and Java Spring Boot. Currently learning TypeScript and interested in exploring AI and machine learning, with a focus on understanding their algorithmic applications.

Glad to be part of this community and excited to share and learn together!

muneebahmednust profile image

Hello everyone! I am muneeb. I am currently learning flutter. I also know c and c++. I am new to dev, so please guide me. I have a question that I have some queries related to flutter where could I get them answered.

lucas-moura-veloso profile image
Lucas Moura Veloso

hey everyone! i'm trying to get back to blogging in a more relaxed format, i think it is a nice way to interact with the community. I'm also trying to learn Rust and Chinese so i'll try to post my progress here. I've worked with a lot of different stuff so I'll be glad to help in any way I can!

muratesenli profile image

Hi everyone,

How many hours have you wasted jumping between Figma, Jira, Confluence, Trello, Notion and endless spreadsheets just to understand what exactly you need to build, while your requirements keep changing and user flows become a tangled mess?


tovlap profile image
Pavlo Turta • Edited

Hey people,

I'm a self-taught frontend dev with experience in AdTech, GreenTech, Healthcare and a little mix of other stuff. Worked for several years at Ukrainian outsourcing company, moved to NY, US, tried to land a software engineering job and faced a crushing truth that I'm just a soydev and my expertise is not that deep to consider myself a valuable expert in what I'm used to do. Despite landing a kind of a tech role anyway, my last couple month of job search made me rethink my career path and my priorities, so now I feel that I'm at an early stage of my career again and I'm eager to deepen my knowledge in all things Web and beyond. In addition, since I'm a US newcomer, I would love to network and build relationships with people who do this thing beyond their 9-5 here.

Peace ✌️

fuadmuhammed profile image
Fuad Muhammed • Edited

Hi everyone, I'm Fuad from Ghana. I joined cos I plan on engaging more with the developer community, I think it's important for my growth. I intend to post often and be more social in general. I coincidentally found a dev challenge on ongoing and I've decided to participate. Wish me luck :)

skykta profile image
Kobe Saylag

Code academy brought me here, I'm currently working as IT support for a vigilance company and I'm climbing my way back to Web development. Working overseas is hard specially the language barrier but still thankful. Happy Coding everyone

gokulakonda_gautham_b44b4 profile image
Gokulakonda Gautham • Edited

Hello fellow developers!

I’m a developer with just a few years of experience, and I’m excited to be on this incredible journey of learning and growth. I’ve worked with a variety of technologies, including React, Node.js, ts, Go, and a bit of DevOps. As I continue to gain hands-on experience, I’m eager to learn more and deepen my expertise.

harmanpreetdev profile image
Harmanpreet Singh

Hi everyone! 👋

I’m Harry, a passionate MERN Stack Developer specializing in building scalable, user-friendly web applications. My expertise lies in React.js, Typescript, Docker, Postgres, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, and I’m always eager to explore new tools and technologies to enhance my craft.

Apart from web development, I’m deeply interested in machine learning and blockchain technologies, constantly learning about how these innovations can redefine the tech landscape.

Here’s a bit more about me:

🌐 I love working on dynamic projects and contributing to open-source.
🚀 I enjoy solving real-world problems through technology and creativity.
💡 Currently, I’m diving deeper into performance optimization and exploring DevOps practices for deployment.
I joined to:

🛠 Share my projects and ideas.
🤝 Collaborate with fellow developers.
💬 Learn from this vibrant community.
I’d love to hear from you! Whether it’s about development tips, collaboration opportunities, or even tech debates, feel free to comment or connect.

Looking forward to growing, learning, and sharing with you all. Let’s build something amazing together! 🚀

rev_lansanafsminah_f0 profile image
Rev Lansana F.S. Minah

Lansana FS Minah is my name, resident in the capital city of Freetown Sierra Leone. I love to create fun, read novels and father to the fatherless.

I'm very happy and excited for been part of this great house 🏡. Due to my love on earth 🌎, I wanted to make more friends across the globe by learning about different cultures, traditions and to make a lot of friends.

I'm always here and ready to talk to everyone who wish to have me on board.

Glory to you all.

devmohammadsa profile image
Mohammad Albuainain

Hello everyone, my name is Mohammad.
I'm a Computer Science student with a passion for programming and app development.
I enjoy working on projects that involve Python, Flask, and creating useful tools like Nextcloud servers for file sharing.
I'm also exploring frameworks like Streamlit for building interactive web apps.
Looking forward to connecting and learning with you all! 😊

femi_oladokun_0e32464a67e profile image
Femi Oladokun

I'm a computer science student too can we connect

gourav-sharma profile image
Gourav Sharma

Hello everyone, my name is Gourav Sharma, a passionate frontend developer with an innovative and creative mindset, Hope this is a new beginning for me. visit my github to know more about me gouravsharma-00

anupulu profile image
Anu Ylänen

I’m Anu. Product and tech professional from Finland, based in Switzerland. I’m not a coder but am exploring AI code assistants and experimenting, for learning purposes. Hello all! :)

anorme_inkumsah_fb1644058 profile image
Anorme Inkumsah • Edited

 alert ('Hello world')
 const thanks = (dev) => {console.log(`Thanks ${dev} for the tip`)}   //This is so cool
 thanks ('Tinotenda Mhedziso')

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso
function greetUser(userName) {
    alert(`Hello ${userName}, welcome to the dev community. How are you?`);


// P.S.: To share code like this in your comment section, wrap your code in 3 tildes (`)
// followed by the programming language of your choice (e.g., JavaScript). 
// Once you're done, close it with another set of 3 tildes.
// Alternatively click on the <> button on the comment tab while highlighting your code section.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
innobeks profile image
Bekinushieye Innocent Ushie

Hello everyone, I am 2 months old in programming, It has been a difficult but sweet journey so far. I am open to advice and guidance. I am glad to be here.

passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

There will always be a storm before the rainbow Innocent, don't give up. Welcome to the community, you've got this 👌🔥

innobeks profile image
Bekinushieye Innocent Ushie

Thank you so much for your kind words, I am grateful.

Thread Thread
passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

No worries Innocent✊✔

bntstr profile image

Welcome everyone

asma_aleena_24ff9c2e610b8 profile image
asma aleena

am a beginner with much potential in engineering,

"Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been."
— Theodore von Kármán

harrysy profile image
Hadi Alshahna

Hello DEV 👋 I'll talk more about myself efter i Lear more about DEV so i can talk about myself with battery way to DEV

kimaru_edwin_f12a9cf74afb profile image
kimaru edwin

I just want to learn

musharaf_jamal_ profile image

Hey gooys,
Iam a Beginner in cybersecurity and ethical hacking.

mryankee2k1 profile image
Charles Gonzalez Jr

Hello fellow devs! I am a computer science student and it is my senior year. My main focus is designing and implementing backend systems with languages such as Java and GO.

femi_oladokun_0e32464a67e profile image
Femi Oladokun

Just a chill guy with big dreams

campbell_jnbaptiste_5e47 profile image
Campbell Jn Baptiste

Hello I am Campbell I am passionate about learning and I think that learning Is the essence of the evolution of humanity.

rtfmoz2 profile image
Kevin Davies

First timer and an old timer.

lurgt profile image

Hello All,

I am new here, I am a Computer Science and want to learn even more!

ahiabuike_excel_4161f7bcf profile image
Excel {Coding_Guru}

hello world

mgk09-lab profile image


orosola_olalere_5130c5de0 profile image
Orosola Olalere

Thank you

midodeerah profile image

My name is Mido I’m currently working on a tuition management platform using JavaScript react.js typescript

carolina_jung profile image
Carolina Jung

Hello, everyone!
I'm a full-stack junior dev, working mostly with front-end. It's nice to find this community!

gourav-sharma profile image
Gourav Sharma

Hi there, glad to meet a fellow front-end developer 😊

sbre profile image

Hi everyone! 👋 I’m a university student 🎓 diving into the world of tech and software development 🔧. Always looking for new challenges and growth opportunities 🚀. Let’s connect and share ideas!

empiree profile image
Oleg Dubovoi

Hey Davide! Let's connect on each other on GitHub!

vanitha_mc_1b21fd2fa5729c profile image
vanitha mc


chrisdoublev profile image
Christof Wurzer

Hey, my name is chris and i am a developer and 3D designer. I am working with realtime 3d graphics for 25 years and i love to create interactive apps with Unity and Unreal...

hookedupinc profile image
Hookedup Joe • Edited

Are you on Twitch? Lots of game dev going on there. Was on there for a while and used Unity to create some cool music response stuff. Using the mic directly as well as from a websocket input with bands from external system. I do LED music response, so this was to allow 3D scenes that react with the music and LED lights together.

Created some 3D based voice reaction stuff I still use while streaming.

Fun stuff.

I don't do much with it right now, but loved diving into your world for a few months.

mustophar profile image
Mustopha Olamide CLONE

Hello devs, I’m a beginner JavaScript / web developer and I think it’s nice to be in a community. Thanks for having me here 😊

abhiiinavsingh profile image
Abhinav Singh

Welcome to the community !!

sam_valentino_ profile image
Sam Valentino

Hey Devs,

I’m an aspiring Software Developer beginning at FlatIron School. Switching careers from being a math teacher!

dale_t82 profile image
Ryan Thomas

I'm just trying a few things out. Mostly curious. 👋🙏

anna_simmons_1d5f947ff419 profile image

Hey there, my name is Anna! I’m a Security Analyst for a SaaS company and my background is rooted in GRC. Looking to explore and learn more within the dev world

empiree profile image
Oleg Dubovoi

Hey! Let's connect on each other on GitHub!

rishabh_gupta_d608ad3c834 profile image
Rishabh Gupta

Hey everyone, I am Rishabh and learning about web3

nisha_anjum_1938096425ab8 profile image
Nisha Anjum

Keep learning

kingyobs profile image
Ehilato Iyobosa God-desire

Thanks alot bro

graythedev7 profile image


gwylan_meneghin profile image
Gwylan Meneghin

Hi everyone !
I'm a French beginner, new career path ! From write music to write code, have a nice day !

malik_zada_d6c0daa14f7978 profile image
Malik zada
konark_codeit profile image

Hello I'm new to the 'DEV' community with very fresher experience and trying to weave myself efficiently.

felipe_bhummelcalangui profile image
Felipe B.Hummel (Calanguin)

hello world

noah_juarez_59158325bd77e profile image
Noah Juarez


shivani_daksh profile image
Shivani Daksh

Heyy Devs i am new here , and i am new to web development i am learning frontend development and rn i am honing in javascript ,

xavier93 profile image
Xavier Chao


noah_juarez_59158325bd77e profile image
Noah Juarez

I love yall

vendo profile image
Ven Jon

My name is Ven. Programmer and IT Specialist all the way from Malawi. Am here to skill and team up with my fellow friends

bmaga profile image
Ahmad Garba Adamu

I just found dev community and i web
Dev although l am a beginner i love to
To learn despite all problems

vital_vibez_39273b7a36b1e profile image
Vital Vibez

I’m here to show spirit for
tech and grow with new friends, looking forward to upskilling a lot and heavy! Cloud Architect & AI.. see where this leads me…

revar profile image

Hello fellow devs, I'm a software engineering student trying to learn flutter and become multi-platform app developer. hope you all do well on your journey aswell.

tj330 profile image
Titus James

Hello, I am Titus James, a cs undergrad. I am interested in Web development and Devops. I use spring boot and react for my projects.

shengxuesun profile image

Hello guys

futuritous profile image

Hi devs!

I'm a part time programmer. You could say it's my hobby!
I'm interested in AI and learning Python this year.

Wish me luck!

lisa_g_b4a436a543499507f4 profile image
lisa G


musharaf_jamal_ profile image

Can any help me to do ctf micro cms v2 (hackerone)

francisco_prez_b4ea66a1e profile image
Francisco Pérez

@everyone Good Evening, I came to this site looking for information, and I like it,I wanna to be here for a long time

zeeqeen profile image

Hello, World!

ade_wale_94865bf3d7ad7478 profile image
Ade wale

I’m new on here, Trying to learn a new skill

hayder_nuri_adb2ad70c178d profile image
Hayder Nuri

Guys what's Wrong with code

hayder_nuri_adb2ad70c178d profile image
Hayder Nuri

hayder.html > ...



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<meta name "viewport" content="width-divice, intia-scale 1.0"

my website





dimitris_konstantinou_502 profile image
Dimitris Konstantinou

Hey i am looking for developers to contribute code with on random projects

passionoverpain profile image
Tinotenda Mhedziso

Hey Dimitris,
Glad you could join us in the community. I admire your concept, Codecall, would you kindly elaborate more ? Although the policies are strict with self promotion so please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, alternatively you could email me.

mehmetakar profile image
mehmet akar

Hi guys, I am happy to share the vision of this community. I wish all to write the best codes.

senioralturner profile image
Alex Turner

hi there👋