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[Comment from a deleted post]
dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

Don't take this personally, but I'm already tired enough of reading thinkpieces about The Whole Women In Tech Thing from other women in tech. We've collectively exhausted the topic of our industry's problems with respect to gender and other forms of diversity. There's nothing more to say, only things to do about it.

vithabada profile image
Vít Habada • Edited

First, I'm a man (mentioned in first paragraph).

Second, I'm laying out the environment so that we can have a constructive discussion about the problem and 'do something about it'. That's the rest of the text.

Third, thanks for comment and feedback!

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

I did actually read your piece before commenting; that wasn't a shit & run! My point is that I've already read all I ever want to on the topic from people who have skin in the game, and even more from people who don't -- we're hardly lacking for men's perspectives on The Woman Issue. This is not adding anything new, not owing to any fault on your part, but simply because you're coming in late to a field of discussion which has long since been mined bare.

vithabada profile image
Vít Habada • Edited

Enlighten me then, since you read all the angles you must have an insight.
What do you think is the core problem and what we can do about it?

If this topic was generally considered 'solved', I wouldn't have written about it, right?

vithabada profile image
Vít Habada • Edited

The three questions are not random.

The first is a big one. If we can answer the first one, we will be much closer to the actual solution.

The second one should generate arguments against such policies (which are common and don't work), so that when they come up, we can shut them down.

The third is addressing an issue that I believe is not generally understood. Examples that comes to mind: HR complaint or a 'hero coworker'. Neither of which are effective.

Also, I assure the article is very much reactionary.

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

There is no one core problem (and consequently no one silver bullet), and I didn't say it was solved: I said that there is nothing new to write about the problem. I think it would have been a better use of your time to look for what's already been written -- seriously, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a hundred takes of varying quality on the situation.

As for possibilities in addressing it, here's my shortlist:

  • conduct initial resume evaluation for new hires anonymously to combat hiring bias
  • encourage tech workers to unionize to better fight for our rights across the board
  • treat salary disparity along gender, race, and other axes as wage theft and prosecute it accordingly
  • mandate adequate maternity (and paternity!) leave and ensure that family and career are not mutually exclusive goals
  • foster inclusive workplace cultures that allow full participation from everyone, deemphasize going for drinks as the primary bonding activity, ensure offsites and events are accessible and work with people's schedules as best possible

I should note that none of these are original ideas, just the ones I think will have the greatest impact in the shortest amount of time. If you do a little research on your own, you'll see all of them and many, many more.