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A Cloud Native Programming Manifesto

Julian Friedman on August 05, 2019

Update: Created a Github Repo where we can gather resources and links etc. Update 2: Quite a lot of feedback about the second bullet. I think it m...
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Darek Dwornikowski ☁

There are two parts of the world as I see it. There is "cloud native" movement fueled by CNCF and and locked in mentally into Kubernetes and microservices. There is another world of "serverless" and using backend as a service as much as possible. One world is fueled from behind by big G and traditional on-prem players who want the broad audience to adopt K8S. Second world is fueled by big A, which wants people lock in their cloud platform. Where have we lost as engineers joy from building stuff driven by sane choices not agendas of hyperscale companies?

PS: I love both worlds as engineer and on daily basis my teams build things in both of them.

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Tim Downey

Nice to see you here, @doctor_julz !