DEV Community

Discussion on: Why isn't there Tinder for coding partners?

domingosl profile image

Maybe it does not exists yet because there is no apparent good monetization strategy for an app like this?

james_palermo_bc208e463e4 profile image
James Palermo

Do you know how many lines of code have been written with zero interest in the return on investment they'll generate?

A whole lot. Like a lot a lot.

domingosl profile image

agree, many "lines of code", but I'm talking about products, not libraries or any open source projects. Can you mention a couple of products (related with this) that are successful with no business model or monetization strategy?

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james_palermo_bc208e463e4 profile image
James Palermo

Let’s just short circuit this conversation because I’m hung over:
I have at least a dozen themes for WebStorm and VSCode that have no monetization.
VSCode is just an editor. No money there.
run “pipx install bpytop” and enjoy a beautiful free and 10000% un-monetizable system status console.

Oh. And Debian. Ubuntu. OpenSuse. CentOS. Xu/Lu/etc*buntu.

The room is spinning. My argument is ….

Katy Perry is so pretty. And you’re wrong. 🧐