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Molly Crendraven
Molly Crendraven

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Setting up Kubernetes on bare metal behind a NAT with OpenVPN

I've been wanting to setup a kubernetes (k8s) cluster for a while, mainly because I want to learn how it works. But, because I'm me, I refuse to do anything the easy way, so I didn't want to use GCP or AWS. I have 4 bare metal machines floating about the internet, there is no reason I can't use them, right?

Well, a couple reasons, actually. One, they aren't exactly bare metal, they are cloud bare metal, which means most of them are behind a weird NAT that doesn't share their external IP with them. So none of the interfaces have the external IP. Two, my home machine, which I plan to use for a control machine, is behind a router. So, again, NAT.

Surely that's not a problem, right?

Kubernetes imposes the following fundamental requirements on any networking implementation (barring any intentional network segmentation policies):

  • pods on a node can communicate with all pods on all nodes without NAT 1

Huh. Well, let's see. AWS and GCP clearly have to be able to make this happen with NAT, right? It's no way the IP space exists otherwise.

Let's use a VPN. This post look perfect, an easy install script for OpenVPN 2

Installed it, connected the client, and the client promptly lost all internet connectivity. Huh. It could ping the VPN server, so that wasn't it.

Turns out you will want to edit a couple lines from the server.conf.

(you can find the full example here: 3)

You want to:

  • remove the line that starts push "redirect-gateway
  • add the client-to-client line

Now the server can ping the client, and the client can ping the server. Success!

There's just one thing left to do, and that's to tell kubeadmin init to use the VPN. I used flannel as my pod network, so my init command was kubeadm -v 1 init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-advertise-address=

And there we are!

drazisil@central:~$ kubectl get nodes
central   Ready    master   28m   v1.15.3
server1   Ready    <none>   26m   v1.15.3
server2   Ready    <none>   94s   v1.15.3
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Oldest comments (9)

jedrp profile image
jedrp • Edited

Hi Joe Becher, that really nice post! I follow your post to set up a k8s cluster which contains a bunch of azure VMs(those are not in the same LAN network).
The problem I have is that the worker node can not join the cluster because it can not connect to APIServer, here is some logs:
I1101 08:11:56.774136 86198 round_trippers.go:443] GET in 30000 milliseconds
I1101 08:11:56.774163 86198 round_trippers.go:449] Response Headers:
I1101 08:11:56.774196 86198 token.go:82] [discovery] Failed to request cluster info, will try again: [Get dial tcp i/o timeout]

Can you give me some suggestions to solve! <3

drazisil profile image
Molly Crendraven • Edited

Can you ping from the worker? If not, your openVPN is probably down and i would check the logs for that service on the box.

jedrp profile image

yes I can, From master node I can ping to Worker node and vice-versa! I see that the API server are bind to :::6443 port of the master node, is that the cause of this problem

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drazisil profile image
Molly Crendraven

Shouldn't be. Add -v to your kubeadm command and see what its doing.

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jedrp profile image

Here is the log I got when run "kubeadm join ..." command,

Failed to request cluster info, will try again: [Get dial tcp i/o timeout]

but I'm still able to ping from the worker node

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drazisil profile image
Molly Crendraven

Can you access that URL in your browser on either the worker or the control plane node?

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jedrp profile image

yes, I'm able to get response when execute the curl command to that URL on master node

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jedrp profile image

Do we need to tell kubeadm to use "tun0" network interface instead of default one?

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drazisil profile image
Molly Crendraven

It sounds like you have a firewall blocking that port then