DEV Community

Discussion on: My top terminal commands

drhyde profile image
David Cantrell

In order from most- to least-used, the top 20 on one of my machines are ...

mutt, ps, ls, cd, ssh, vi, ping, find, host, grep, which, rm, cat, nslookup, man, history, whois, tree, touch, mount, ...

... and that's ignoring everything that's used from within any of my own scripts, and only counting the first command on a line, it ignores anything that might follow in a pipeline such as awk, sed, sort, uniq, tac, head, tail, cut, ...

... and that also ignores anything used in development (which I generally do on a different machine) such as git, cc, make, perl, python, go, ...

rembrandtreyes profile image
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

Yeah if I introduce development commands then git would be the number 1 command that I use.