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[Comment from a deleted post]
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Sven Schubert

This is a decision I've pondered a lot for my personal blog.
If you create your content in your native language you feel more confident, the process of creation is easier and, as you said, there is often much less competition with other content creators. Additionally, users in your native language are more likely to get in touch with you. (That's my personal experience.)
On the other hand, you can improve your English skills while creating English content, you will probably reach more people on an international level and you can connect easier with people in your niche around the world.

I've decided to start my blog in my native language (German by the way) at first, but changed to English after some posts. I'm happy with my decision even if it is harder to get the content out. The idea of creating content in two languages would be to much work for me, so this one was no option.

However, I had one negative experience regarding my English blog content. I had a job interview a year ago, where the interviewer addressed my blog during the interview. Unfortunately, he was very rude, criticised the whole idea and told me that I should not blog in English if I can't get the grammar 100% correct. After the interview this hit me more than I expected, but in other job interviews later my blog was a great plus. What I want to say is, you should be prepared for some smart-arse who thinks he/she is so much better and smarter than you and you should stop creating English content etc. After this interview I've considered again switching back to my native language, but if you don't read/speak/write in a foreign language, you will never get better at it.

I encourage you to try it and start to create your content in English. If it's not working and you don't have any fun, you can always start again in your native language. Most important thing is that you have fun doing it and love what you're doing.