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Discussion on: C++ is awesome, here's why...

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I love C++. I have been doing C++ since the 90's. Thing is, there wasn't much of an option back then for Windows developers. There are things about C++ which is a big pain. char*, wchar_t*, BSTR, CString, std::string, _T, L, I mean sometimes it really feels like a joke.

I believe you HAVE to be really good at understanding whats happening under the hood to avoid making silly mistakes in C++ and I do like working close to the system so I have always enjoyed this. However, when there is a deadline, this type of potential hazard isn't something which is a lot of fun.

Today, software has to be developed super fast and ship yesterday. C++ isn't really the language for this. Most application have now become web based. A lot of stuff involves dealing with dynamic data at runtime. Without strong reflection support like .NET or Java, life becomes pretty complicated.

I have left C++ to the system folks and I am not one of them. I work mainly on business applications, Apache Flink, Java, .NET, SQL and others. The amount of productivity required by my teams will not be supported by the use of C++.
I still follow the C++ community. I recently got a book on C++ 20 and I intend to read it cover to cover. Yes, I do love C++ but I will not introduce it in my projects.

Coming to Java, having coded .NET since Beta-1, Java has always been a bit of a joke. Its 2021 and the language features of Java look really primitive. If one says C++ is redundant, Java should be more so. Its a terrible language. int vs Integer. No real function pointers. but propping up modern features using age old constructs like interfaces? Its hilarious. When I see the advertisement "Java runs on 4 billion devices" I often wonder if the C-19 virus thinks the same, "Infected 4 billions people". People need to stop using this terrible language. The JVM is great, but not Java, no there are much better alternatives.

Java Script. This is something which should never have been invented. It was kind of OK when all it did was check if textboxes in a web form were left empty, but nothing more than that. By the time I finish writing this comment, I am pretty at least 2 new JavaScript frameworks would have been written. Using frameworks like Angular, Vue, React is a complete waste of time and energy. None of these frameworks last more than 2-5 year. Strangely code written using C++ MFC, Java, even Visual Basic 6 is still running fine in majors banks and other companies.

C# in my opinion is the best language there is. The tooling is pretty good, Visual Studio is a great IDE. I hope .NET core really breaks some ground specially with the good folks at Apache foundation. I hope there is a time when .NET is the language used to create indexing services, distributed computing frameworks, frameworks dealing with big data and more.
