DEV Community

E Meier
E Meier

Posted on

CTA Button


For IST 402, our group has been working to create a CTA button similar to the "Shop" button on the Nike website.


For our group, neither of us have much experience working with Github and it has been a main pain point for us as we work to ensure that our commits, pushes, and pulls are working as intended. Additionally, we have no prior experience with CTA buttons or web components in general and working to get a general understanding of this has been a bit of a struggle as well.


Overall, we have the basics of our CTA button working although it is not very advanced in any way. This includes the the button working as a link and opening in a separate tab, different states, etc. In class, we learned how to implement an icon onto the button from a library. I am quite happy with the progress we have made with the little knowledge we began with and look forward to progressing our button!

Repo Link


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