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elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks • Edited

I am convinced a CS degree is not mandatory

It absolutely is not, but it also sort of is. Software development in 2020 is not the software development as it was in 2000 or 1990 (when CS degrees started to be an actual thing).

These days way more computer related things require software development skills. The level and kind of skill is vastly different. There is a huge difference between developing the Linux kernel or using Rails to create an online community. Neither strictly requires a CS degree, but it sure helps doing the former. But if you prefer the latter, than a CS degree might be a big financial and time risk (depending where you live).

I'm from the era when personal computers at home became a normal thing, and internet access started to become available. So my background is being kid who was interested in playing with the computer at home. I did go on to get a CS degree, because that was what the world was at in 1999.

If you want to read more about how the software development world changed over the years. I can highly recommend reading Clive Thompson's book Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World. It has a lot of great examples of software developers (I really don't like the term "coder") and their backgrounds. Like women in the 60s with lawyer degrees, but no future as a lawyer; to ex-coal miners in Kentucky from the last few years.

arikaturika profile image
Arika O

Sure, a CS degree helps a lot, I was just referring to the fact that compared to other fields you can actually get a job even without one (whereas you couldn't be a doctor or a lawyer without formal studies). Thank you for the book recommendation, from the reviews it looks interesting.