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Emura Daisuke
Emura Daisuke

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Proposal of a new method, Introduction of differential sort algorithm "Setsuna-Shiki"


Setsuna-Shiki is a new method of differential sorting algorithm that applies bisection insertion sorting.
For a sorted array, focus on the place where the value change is made and sort very fast.

It has the following features.

  • Comparison sort
  • Stable sort
  • External area: None
  • Average time: O (log N)
  • Worst time: O (log N)
  • Best time: O (2)
  • Recursion: None

Source Code

Setsuna-Shiki(MIT License)

Basic algorithm

  • Change the value at any position in the sorted array.
  • If (Changed position value < value below change position), the lower range is binary-searched and rotate from change position to search position.
  • If (value above change position < Changed position value), the upper range is binary-searched and rotate from change position to search position.


Change the value at any position in the sorted array.
0 1 2 4 5 6 7 9|Sorted array
0 1 2 4 x 6 7 9|Change the value at any position
If (Changed position value < value below change position), the lower range is binary-searched and rotate from change position to search position.
0 1 2 4 5 3 7 9|In the case of [5]=3
0 1 2 4 5|. . .|Binary search the lower range
. . .|3 4 5|. .|Rotate from change position to search position
0 1 2 3 4 5 7 9|Sort result
If (value above change position < Changed position value), the upper range is binary-searched and rotate from change position to search position.
0 1 8 4 5 6 7 9|In the case of [2]=8
. . .|4 5 6 7 9|Binary search the upper range
. .|4 5 6 7 8|.|Rotate from change position to search position
0 1 4 5 6 7 8 9|Sort result


Points devised

Even if binary search is performed to the area where the same value is continuous, stability is maintained.

  • The binary search in the lower range searches the end of the continuous area.
  • The binary search in the upper range searches the beginning of a continuous area.

Build & Test

The following environment has been verified.

  • Windows 10 Pro 64bit
  • Core i7-8700 3.20 GHz


Microsoft(R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.15.26732.1 for x64
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.15.26732.1

cl Main.cpp -Ox -EHsc -Fe:TestMsvc.exe


clang version 7.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_700/final)
Target: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu

clang++ Main.cpp -O3 -o TestClang++.exe


gcc version 8.2.0 (Rev3, Built by MSYS2 project)
Target: x86_64-w64-mingw32

g++ Main.cpp -O3 -o TestG++.exe


Average benchmark

The following is the case of changing the random position of the sorted array to a random value.
The unit is seconds, the lower the number, the faster.


Array std::sort std::stable_sort Setsuna-Shiki
10,000 0.00007095 0.00004502 0.00000115
1,000,000 0.00975892 0.00698905 0.00009487
100,000,000 0.27018098 1.26169269 0.01670523


Array std::sort std::stable_sort Setsuna-Shiki
10,000 0.00006162 0.00006669 0.00000050
1,000,000 0.00775640 0.00978430 0.00006938
100,000,000 0.99487866 1.46673092 0.01248609


Array std::sort std::stable_sort Setsuna-Shiki
10,000 0.00009420 0.00006123 0.00000040
1,000,000 0.01269281 0.00870394 0.00006129
100,000,000 1.32669707 1.32506381 0.01232715

Limited condition benchmark

The following is sorted by the array [100,000,000].
The unit is seconds, the lower the number, the faster.

Worst case 1

When changing the first to the maximum value for a sorted array.

std::sort std::stable_sort Setsuna-Shiki
Msvc 0.28328255 1.27838705 0.03301556
clang++ 0.94680632 1.49072315 0.02450915
g++ 1.24406811 1.35104790 0.02465655

Worst case 2

When changing the end to the minimum value for a sorted array.

std::sort std::stable_sort Setsuna-Shiki
Msvc 0.29024827 1.27097092 0.03784692
clang++ 6.59369224 1.44779880 0.02844831
g++ 7.05050788 1.30785120 0.02579642

Best case

When the position is specified randomly without changing the value for the sorted array.

std::sort std::stable_sort Setsuna-Shiki
Msvc 0.26143167 1.24644350 0.00000026
clang++ 0.99570890 1.44735863 0.00000031
g++ 1.33114203 1.30589223 0.00000050


How was it?

We came up with the idea of ​​differential sorting, in terms of the fact that sorting does not always have to be done in its entirety.
Although the comparison between std::sort and std::stable_sort, which is an overall sort, and Setsuna-Shiki, which is an diff sort, is not fair, it should be used to determine the usefulness of diff sort.

If you operate well, you can get a rapid performance, but if you use it incorrectly it will be a two-edged sword.

The sort algorithm is still romantic.

Thanks for watching!

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