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Discussion on: Express + NextJS - sample/tutorial integration

evpy2 profile image

I am trying to deploy this project into production, any insight on how to make this a smoother process would be great <3

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alexeydc profile image
Alexey • Edited

Happy to assist!

I usually prefer doing my own deploys on machines I can SSH to, vs hosting on heroku/netlify/Elastic BeanStalk/other managed black box solutions. It's usually cheaper, but IMO it's also more badass and gives deeper insight on computers. I like to start manual and automate as the project matures - but everyone's preference is different.

I prefer AWS, so I use EC2 machines with (any/latest) Ubuntu. IMO it's easier to set the manual deploy up than any automated solution.

This is what I do for deploys:

But then you also usually want https, this configuration works with that deploy style: