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What are JWT's
JWT's represent a way to authorize clients without sharing sensitive information. There are some resources that the clients need to send that need some authentication of some sort.
For example in a blog application, The user needs to be logged in to create and publish a blog. JWT's can help to verify authentication to make sure that the request is valid.
- The User logs in to his account on the client
- The client sends the user's credential to the server to validate login
- Server validates login and sends token
- User performs an action that requireqs authentication
- Client creates a request and puts token in the header of the request
- Server validates JWT, performs necessary action and returns appropriate response
- Client displays result to the user.
There is also the Time Limit of a JWT which means the time span for the token to be valid in which after the time span the user will need to enter his credentials again
Using JWT in Flask
To use JWT in flask-api, install the flask_jwt_extended extension
pip install flask-jwt-extended
in your .env
file or where you keep secret keys, insert 2 fields.
is just as important as the SECRET_KEY
for the flask app. The JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES
is used to decide the timespan for a valid JWT.
in your config.py
file or app.py
class Config:
SECRET_KEY = os.getenv("SECRET_KEY")
JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES = timedelta(minutes = int(os.getenv("JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES"))) # remember to import timedelta from datetime module
def init_app(app):
from flask-jwt-extended import JWTManager
from datetime import timedelta
# Other imports
app.config['JWT_SECRET_KEY'] = os.getenv("JWT_SECRET_KEY")
app.config['JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES'] = timedelta(minutes = int(os.getenv("JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES")))
app = Flask(__name__)
jwt = JWTManager(app)
In the login
endpoint of your api, insert this
from flask_jwt_extended import create_access_token
from flask_restful import Resource
from flask import request
class Login(Resource):
def post(self):
if request.is_json:
username = request.json['username']
user = User.query.filter_by(username = username).first() # Retrieve user from the database
if user and user.verify_password(request.json['password']): #check if user exists and password is correct
access_token = create_access_token(identity = username) # create JWT Token and send to user
return {'access_token' : access_token}, 200
# Handle Errors
elif not user:
return {'Message' : 'User not found'}, 404
elif not user.verify_password(request.json['password']):
return {'Message' : 'Incorrect password'}, 401
Flask-RESTful was used to create the api's, not regular flask
In any area of your app that needs authorization and authentication, do this
@jwt_required() # to indicate that jwt is required for this request
def post(self):
data = request.get_json() # collect blog data
blog_schema = CreateBlogSchema() # create marshmallow schema to validate blog schema
new_blog = blog_schema.load(data) # try to create a new blog
except ValidationError as error:
abort(400, error.messages)m# catch errors if any and return them as response messages
return {'Message' : 'Operation Successful'}, 201
Marshmallow was used for the schema and FLask-SQlalchemy was used for the databases.
If you have any questions feel free to drop them down π in the comments
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