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Discussion on: When does TDD make sense?

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Facundo Soria • Edited

Good article!
So if you need to ask the question “When does TDD make sense?”, then TDD makes sense. I think this sentence is great !...

I disagree with this one If getting to market fast is more important than quality or maintainability, in my opinion, TDD and tests, in general, should be added in your project from day one, sure it will take a bit more time to "deliver features", but at the end, the curve of delivering will be constant and if you resign quality the curve will grow exponentially and you will be delivering things late or even with a lot of bugs and hacks...

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Daniel Irvine 🏳️‍🌈

It’s a good point. Not using TDD risks slowing you down, especially if you’re working alone and rushing, without being careful. That’s when you end up with bugs, for sure.