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Hey, I'm trying to deploy a site with gatsby but I'm getting an error

so I'm getting an error saying cannot destructure property 'currentTheme' object as it is undefined

const {currentTheme, cursorStyles} = useGlobalStateContext()
const dispatch = useGlobalDispatchContext()

const globalReducer = (state, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
case "TOGGLE_THEME": {
return {
currentTheme: action.theme,
case "CURSOR_TYPE": {
return {
cursorType: action.cursorType,
default : {
throw new Error(unhandled action type: ${action.type})

export const GlobalProvider = ({children}) => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(globalReducer, {
currentTheme: window.localStorage.getItem("theme") === null ? "dark" : window.localStorage.getItem("theme"),
cursorType: false,
cursorStyles: ["pointer", "hovered", "nav-open"]

Oldest comments (5)

hectoraldairah profile image
Hector Aguilar

Hello! This is going to be late but... here we go

This is happening because gatsby needs to know what are you doing with useContext in a ssr mode. In your case, you need to have the same gatsby-browser.js code in your gatsby-ssr.js code.

Also, the window object only works in the browser, so you can make this tricky code to avoid the error

export const GlobalProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(globalReducer, {
      typeof window !== "undefined"
        ? window.localStorage.getItem("theme") === null
          ? "dark"
          : window.localStorage.getItem("theme")
        : "dark",
    cursorType: false,
    cursorStyles: ["pointer", "hovered"],
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That's it! I was facing the same error yesterday by following the Awwwards rebuilt video by Wrong Akram hahaha.

esrgx profile image

Dude... I was stuck with this issue for a few hours.
Thank you for solving it for me!

12dimov profile image
Vania Dimova

The same here, Akram doesn't take it to deployment, maybe there is a link?

cvsudheer108 profile image
Sudheer Kumar

This helped me a lot too. I fixed the issues by copying the gatsby-browser.js to gatsby-ssr.js and also checking for undefined for localstorage. Thanks a lot!!!!

oginnisamuel profile image

pls who will help me with this. I am new to gatsby and I want to use this few lines of codes you used as well. but am still getting error. The solution didn't work for me. How did you manage to run npm run build without getting those error? pls i need help.