DEV Community

Mike Fix
Mike Fix

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Super simple error boundaries for React 16+

<EitheRx />

Super simple, reusable binary error boundaries for React. Your go-to, prescribed, error-boundary helper.


$ npm i --save eitherx
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import Either from 'eitherx'

// Wrapper-component Style
  {/* Either . . . */}
  <p>"Happy Child 😄"</p>
  {/* Or . . . */}
  <p>"Error child ☹️ (but at least your UI is happy)"</p>

// OR use the `render` and `catchError` props

// Render-prop Style
  render={() => (<p>"Happy Child 😄"</p>)}
  catchError={({ error, info }) => (
      <p>{`Info: ${info}`}</p>
      <p>{`Error: ${error}`}</p>
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Wrapper Component Style

Eitherx either renders the first child component, unless an error occurred while rendering, then the second child is rendered. Easy enough 😄.

If you do not pass a second child, and an error occurs, null will be return to React to render.

Render-prop Style

Using this style, you must pass a function for both render and catchError. If an error occurs, the component
returned from catchError will be rendered. Otherwise Eitherx will render the component returned from render.

The catchError function receives an object with the fields error and info, both of which are passed directly from
React Error Boundaries.

Handling Errors

With either style, you can pass an handleError callback prop to add additional error handling, logging, etc. This also allows you to
filter certain errors by returning false from handleError as well.

  handleError={({ error, info }) => {
  render={() => (<Component>"Render Prop"</Component>)}
  catchError={() => (<p>"Catch Prop"</p>)}
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