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Solving Turbo Frame Replacement Issues in Rails

When working with Turbo Frames in a Ruby on Rails application, a common challenge is ensuring that interactive elements continue to work correctly after an update. In this article, we explore a specific issue where a Turbo Frame, once replaced, does not function as expected on subsequent interactions. We'll look at a practical solution by switching from a replace method to an update method in the Turbo Stream response.

The Problem

In a Rails application featuring user interactions such as blocking and unblocking users, Turbo Frames can be used to update parts of the page dynamically. However, a problem arises when the Turbo Frame itself is replaced as part of the update. Once replaced, any subsequent attempts to interact with the newly loaded frame fail because the original frame element, which was bound to the Turbo Drive listeners, no longer exists in the DOM.

Initial Setup

Consider a Rails view where we have a Turbo Frame for a block/unblock button:

<%= turbo_frame_tag "block_unblock_button" do %>
  <% if @is_blocked_by_current_user %>
    <%= link_to unblock_profile_path(@user), data: { turbo_method: :delete, turbo_frame: "block_unblock_button" }, remote: true, class: "btn ..." do %>
      <!-- Unblock button -->
    <% end %>
  <% else %>
    <%= link_to block_profile_path(@user), data: { turbo_method: :post, turbo_frame: "block_unblock_button" }, remote: true, class: "btn ..." do %>
      <!-- Block button -->
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

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The issue here is that when the block/unblock action is performed, the entire frame, including its bindings, gets replaced.

Solution: Switching from Replace to Update

The solution is to change the behavior of the Turbo Stream response from replacing the frame to updating its content. This preserves the frame itself and its bindings, allowing subsequent interactions to be handled correctly.

Controller Actions

In the Rails controller, we have the block and unblock actions set up to respond with appropriate Turbo Stream actions:

def block
  # ...
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { redirect_to profile_path(params[:id]) }

def unblock
  # ...
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { redirect_to profile_path(params[:id]) }

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Updating Turbo Stream Responses

The key change is in the Turbo Stream templates:

<%= turbo_stream.update "block_unblock_button" do %>
  <%= link_to unblock_profile_path(@user), data: { turbo_method: :delete, turbo_frame: "block_unblock_button" }, remote: true, class: "btn ..." do %>
    <!-- Unblock button -->
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= turbo_stream.update "block_unblock_button" do %>
  <%= link_to block_profile_path(@user), data: { turbo_method: :post, turbo_frame: "block_unblock_button" }, remote: true, class: "btn ..." do %>
    <!-- Block button -->
  <% end %>
<% end %>

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By using turbo_stream.update instead of turbo_stream.replace, we ensure that only the content within the frame is updated, not the frame itself. This approach maintains the Turbo Frame's presence in the DOM, along with its event listeners, ensuring that the block/unblock functionality works correctly even after multiple interactions.


In this case, switching from replace to update in the Turbo Stream response was the key to maintaining the functionality of the Turbo Frame across multiple interactions. This solution highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of Turbo Frames and Streams in Rails applications, especially when dealing with dynamic content updates.

Remember, the choice between update and replace in Turbo Streams can significantly impact the behavior of your application, and understanding their differences is crucial for building interactive and responsive Rails applications.

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