DEV Community

Discussion on: My beautiful Linux development environment

fridaycandours profile image
Friday candour

Am using a 2gig laptop please help me choose a light Linux distribution

deepu105 profile image
Deepu K Sasidharan

If you are looking for a light distribution then I would recommend Ubuntu MATE, Lubuntu or Xubuntu. Basically, the Desktop environment is what matters more for a light distribution so anything with LXDE, Xfce or MATE desktop would be light enough

fridaycandours profile image
Friday candour

Thanks but is manjaro xfce as recommended by someone any good

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deepu105 profile image
Deepu K Sasidharan

Depends on your Linux experience. If you are new I wouldn't recommend any Arxh based distro. But if you know Linux well and is fine with a rolling release then Manjaro xfce is great