DEV Community

Discussion on: How tedious can job Search as a frontend developer be?

frontendengineer profile image
Let's Code

I've been there before and it is painful at first cause you will face a lot of rejection which is normal. My recommendation is to keep practicing, build things, and even apply and go to lots of interviews. See what are the common questions asked and practice them when you go home. Rinse and repeat.

I would suggest LinkedIn for job hunting. As far as an interview, I have a playlist of video on youtube that may help -

Good luck! You can do this. Everyone started as painful as you do.

dev_hills profile image
Hillary Chibuko

thanks alot Angel ,
actually i am to be interview on monday by two it companies,so currently i am searching on what interview questions i will be asked,

can you help me

frontendengineer profile image
Let's Code

check my youtube above. I have interview questions about HTML, CSS and JS.

Good luck to your interview!