DEV Community

Discussion on: How it Feels to be a DEV Father

frosnerd profile image
Frank Rosner

So far any job I had. I started out as a researcher, then switched to software engineering, then data science, then data engineering, now I'm an IT consultant at

So far all my employers gave me the freedom to do all the things you mentioned. It also benefits them to have employees who are learners and engage in communities.

You gotta sell that as a trait of yours during the job interviews, that you want to spend a bit of time each week reading papers, learning new technologies, engaging in developer relations / marketing / community management. So far this was always an open door for me, even a big plus.

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stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel

Ahh, Ok, that’s generally also true for my job. It just sounded like the job actually is to blog and read papers... codecentric seems to be a nice place, I‘m listening to the Autoweird podcast ;)