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Big O Time Complexities

Big O

A method of expressing an algorithm's complexity, specifically the upper bound of the development of the running time, is known as big O notation. It is frequently used to compare the effectiveness of various algorithms and can be employed to foretell how well a specific algorithm would function with huge inputs.

Using Big O notation, which places a limit on how many operations an algorithm can do, the temporal complexity of an algorithm is frequently discussed. The notation is commonly expressed as O(n), where n is the size of the input. An algorithm that runs in linear time, or O(n), for instance, will have a running time that increases most linearly with the amount of the input.

Time Complexities

There are several common time complexities that are often used in Big O notation, including:


O(1), also known as constant time. No matter how large the input is, a constant-time algorithm will always run in the same amount of time.

O(log n)

O(log n) denotes time in logarithmic terms. If an algorithm runs in logarithmic time, the execution time will gradually increase as the size of the input grows. For algorithms that split the input in half after each iteration, this is frequently the case.


O(n), or linear time, is used as a measure. A linearly scalable method will have a running time that scales linearly with input size.

O(n log n)

Log-linear time is represented as O(n log n). A log-linear algorithm's running time will increase quicker than linear time but more slowly than quadratic time. This is frequently true for algorithms that incorporate both linear and logarithmic operations.


O(n^2) is a symbol for quadratic time. An algorithm that operates in quadratic time will experience a sharp increase in running time as the size of the input increases. For algorithms that use nested loops, this is frequently the case.

Finishing up

It is crucial to remember that Big O notation only offers an upper bound on an algorithm's execution time and ignores any lower bounds or worst-case possibilities. Furthermore, Big O notation typically ignores constant factors, which can result in two algorithms with the same time complexity actually operating at vastly different speeds.

In conclusion, Big O notation is a means to define an algorithm's time complexity. This enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of various algorithms and make predictions about how well they will work with huge inputs. O(1), O(log n), O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), and O(n^2) are examples of common time complexity. It's crucial to remember that Big O notation only offers an upper bound and ignores any lower bounds or worst-case possibilities.

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