DEV Community

Discussion on: 7 Signs That You're a Good Developer

ganonbit profile image
Andrew Reese • Edited

“Never get stuck” “don’t need help” are crocks of shit and toxic takes. Everyone gets stuck, and sure you can eventually dig yourself out but what if you ask for help and it takes a literal minute to resolve over banging your head for hours? Plus it’s a growing moment for you and your team to figure out something together so there isn’t a one person failure point if that same kind of issue comes up again.

Second is you’re not a one man workhorse, you’re on a team. Rely and support your team, don’t try to act like you ever know it all, that in itself is huge and toxic rookie mistake. 30 Minute Rule is a very good and collaborative rule to live by.

Have humility and know when you’re over your head and ask for help. Don’t be arrogant or prideful thinking you know it all or can’t fail, that’s foolish and toxic to claim.

You might be right, that might be a sign of a “good” developer in the eyes of toxic mindsets, but you’ll never be a great developer that way.

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metamark profile image
Mark Vassilevskiy

Bro, you don't understand what i'm saying. You NEED to work with others, but who knows what can what might happen? You need to be sure that you can get this project done by yourself

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ganonbit profile image
Andrew Reese

You wrote the absolutes in the article, not me. Im saying “never” is toxic and just plain wrong in that case. If your coworkers aren’t around and you’re stuck and been stuck for an hour? Move to something else until they can. They can’t? Then ask for help online. Just saying “I don’t need help I can do it all alone” is a prideful and rookie mistake that will cost you a lot individually and will hurt your team on a collaborative level.

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pantsme profile image
Antonio Savage

Bro you don't understand! Lul.