DEV Community

Being an "old" junior dev

Quentin Caillaud on October 17, 2019

After 12 years of being a factory worker (because at 18 I had literally no idea of what I wanted to do with my life), at 30 with 3 children, I deci...
jess profile image
Jess Lee

Congrats, Quentin!

When you arrive in this career older than most, you surely have something to bring to the community, probably not technical knowledge, but maybe your experience or another vision of what this could become.

Couldn't agree more with this point.

bobwalsh47hats profile image
Bob Walsh

Quentin - good job! Keep in mind the unspoken "obsolence trap" inherent in being a developer. You want to be keeping an eye on trends, new languages, frameworks, and movements (see JAMstack), and be prepared to retool yourself at least every 3 years. So that means, you need a "learning todo" on your list every single week.

And don't forget YouTube videos! For example, I'm typing this while listening to talks from yesterday's day 1 of the JAMstack conference in SF. ( )

sepulvedaavila profile image
Carlos Sepúlveda

Congratulations on taking that leap and changing careers after 12 years working in factories. Tech industry may be a bit intimidating due to its fast pace. But your takeaway is a very important one, especially in tech industry which has a lot of young people coming into it, and most of us have a hard time adapting into this new professional world.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Your story is very interesting and it's so cool that you shared. How did you choose development?

I mentor a 30yr old and it's quite a strange situation but age is but a number that increments in a massive for loop for an unknown variable of time. Its what you do with those iterations is what counts.

garthvador profile image
Quentin Caillaud

I guess I was always attracted by development, but I used to believe that it was something you have to start very young, something that require a kind of gift. I discover during my training that it was less esoteric than what I used to think.

char_bone profile image

What a great story and I have enormous respect for you to decide to change your career path. You are absolutely correct, you do have lots to bring to the community, no matter what level you're at!

rjrobinson profile image
R.J. Robinson

I too entered full blown dev life at 30. being 37 now, It was the best decision I have ever made.

Keep on the grind. take breaks. learn. Because thats basically the rest of our careers anyway.

siva349 profile image
Sivakrishna Challa

I am also planning to switch career path. But feel bit awkward to do this at 37.

garthvador profile image
Quentin Caillaud

There are awkward situations yes, but it's worth a try and honestly, it's been three years for me now, and the gap of knowledge between me and my coworkers is reducing very quickly.