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Gaurav Behere
Gaurav Behere

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Unit testing service workers

Writing unit tests for service workers made easy.


While service workers amaze us with its capabilities to cache requests, edit headers before putting requests on the network etc.
I think you will agree that unit testing service workers is not straight-forward.
The biggest question is 'what to mock?'

A big shout out to Zack Argyle for writing Service Worker Mock. This library prepares all the mocks & lets your tests have an environment where you have the recipe to test your service worker.


This code sample is an enhancement on top of Service Worker Mock. Service Worker Mock explains how to write unit tests for service works. Since it is not maintained any more, I am writing this code sample to unblock ourselves from the current issues in that library.
Tests are written using the sample service worker given at service worker example

Problem with the current version (2.0.5) of service worker mock

Object.assign(global, makeServiceWorkerEnv()) no longer puts EventTarget methods like addEventListener into the global scope because they are no longer "own" properties of ServiceWorkerGlobalScope


  • Make addEventListener an enumerable property ```

beforeEach(() => {
const serviceWorkerEnv = makeServiceWorkerEnv();
Object.defineProperty(serviceWorkerEnv, 'addEventListener', {
value: serviceWorkerEnv.addEventListener,
enumerable: true
Object.assign(global, serviceWorkerEnv)

### Testing Event registration
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it('should add listeners', async () => {
await self.trigger('install');

### Testing cache deletion on activation
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it('should delete old caches on activate', async () => {

// Create old cache

// Activate and verify old cache is removed
await self.trigger('activate');

### Testing fetch event to see if it returns cached response
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it('should return a cached response', async () => {

const cachedResponse = { clone: () => { }, data: { key: 'value' } };
const cachedRequest = new Request('/test');
const cache = await'TEST');
cache.put(cachedRequest, cachedResponse);

const response = await self.trigger('fetch', cachedRequest);

### Testing if fetch event makes network call & updates cache. Also test any custom logic like appending a bearer token in the request
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it('should fetch and cache an uncached request and append the right auth token in the header', async () => {
const mockResponse = { clone: () => { return { data: { key: 'value' } } } };
global.fetch = (response) => Promise.resolve({ ...mockResponse, headers: response.headers });


const request = new Request('/test');
const response = await self.trigger('fetch', request);

expect(response.headers.get('authorization')).toBe('Bearer my secret auth');

const runtimeCache = self.snapshot().caches.runtime;

### Testing if the requests to the external domains are ignored
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it('should ignore the requests to external world', async () => {
const mockResponse = { clone: () => { return { data: { key: 'value' } } } };
global.fetch = (response) => Promise.resolve({ ...mockResponse, headers: response.headers });


const request = new Request('');
const response = await self.trigger('fetch', request);

## Coverage
<img src=""/>

## Epilogue
Check out the code repo for this sample here:
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