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Discussion on: Developers are introverts.Domain-driven design can help change it.

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being extro/introverted is about external stimuli and where do you "get your energy", extroverts get energized by talking to others, they get "pumped" up by getting surrounded by people, they tend to prefer larger crowds, noise, being alone got them depressed, sad, enjoy conversation just by itself. Introverts, like me, on the other hand enjoy quiet, get drained by being surrounded by others, being in a crows feels like running a marathon, I really dislike chitchat, talking about nothing is very tiresome and uninteresting to me, I prefer giving a 2hr lecture about physics than a 10min talk about gossip or "nothing" in general, I really dislike open floor offices, is very distracting and my performance drops to zero; I can be alone and happy for a long time; I've been without human contact about a month now (because of the COVID) and has been a joy. Said that, I have to act "extroverted" because that's what the worlds value, I've been the center of the party, I actually like giving speeches and lectures to big audiences. But after them I'm dead.

Being shy is about being afraid, feel inadequate or not knowing how to be around people, you may want to interact with others, you may be extrovert but not knowing how to act or being afraid of being rejected. I think that must be a very hard place to be, not being able to be yourself because of the fear I have a glimpse because as introverted I've been forced to "act" extroverted to avoid been dismissed, we usually are very good at pretending to enjoy some things because the world is designed for extroverts, I like my reunions short and to the point, not those 4hrs meetings that end up in nothing. I prefer 1 to 1 interesting conversation over useless talk about sports, weather or some gossip. Introverts don't need constant external stimuli we get tired with it. We are not something to fix, nor inferior, I kick ass giving presentations.

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danielrusnok profile image
Daniel Rusnok

Did you put some of your presentations publicly online? Rgank you for explantion. I am afraid I have a language boundaries and it is hard for me to talk on this level. Those articles are my training to do better.
By your presented definition, i am not sure where to put myself in. Sometimes I love to be alone, sometimes I would like to gossip with mug full of beer with my friends.
I like to do presentations too one day , but for now, blogposting is hard enough

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ghost profile image

Did you put some of your presentations publicly online?

not really, only some teaching in the university, technical talks to clients personnel, a lot of presentations to my fellow students en the university and some STEM talks to high school kids.

i am not sure where to put myself in

As most psychological definitions is not clear cut, and is a spectrum, you could be located in the middle or lean to some degree to one side or another. I also enjoy beer with friends but is how you end up later (beers aside ;) ), after socialize I really need alone time, REALLY need it, I end up really tired, not just physically, I feel drained, others get excited and would do it again next day if possible, they get creative and inspired with people. I think is not as much about what you like, but what you need, you may like or not being with people, that doesn't mean that you are EV or IV; instead is about what you need, you need to have alone time or you need to spend time with people. When do you get energized, with more ideas. You may like to run, but afterwards you definitely will need a rest I think that is what defines if EV or IV, where is the "default mode"

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danielrusnok profile image
Daniel Rusnok

Looks like you know a lot about psychology. When I am thinking about it I need sometimes time alone too. I called it "my seasons". Once I want to do anything to progress my carreer. Hyped into presentations and bloging. But after few months something happen and i find myself locked with my console rest of the days afrer work.