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Discussion on: Managing state in Svelte

gkankava profile image

Great article! Just one question, what's the difference between ContextAPI and stores. Like in both i don't need to map state to props, i can access then from any component, and mutate it?

joshnuss profile image
Joshua Nussbaum

If you think of your UI components as a tree, context is state that is shared with a specific branch of the tree.

Whereas Stores are state that live outside the component tree.

Note: Context is not reactive. That means if we call setContext() multiple times, child components won't be notified of changes. So often the state passed to setContext are stores. Example:

const myStoreA = writable(...)
const myStoreB = writable(...)

setContext('myKey', {myStoreA, myStoreB })

// now when children call getContext() they will get stores that are reactive
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mvolkmann profile image
Mark Volkmann

Yes, very important point about context not being reactive. For that reason I almost never use it.