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Discussion on: Explain ReasonML Like I'm Five

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Gabriel Lebec • Edited

Thanks! However, I've been focusing mainly on Haskell for myself, so I cannot really go any deeper regarding ReasonML at the moment. Like I said, I'm bullish on it, but given my own (still learning, but nonzero) knowledge of pure FP, I probably would sooner focus on Elm and/or PureScript over ReasonML for my own front-end projects at this point, and Haskell for anything else. That may seem a little hypocritical, but one of the primary reasons I cited for my optimism re: ReasonML is the relatively low barrier to entry for people not already used to ML/Miranda-influenced syntax. Since I don't fall into that demographic anymore, my answer is admittedly a bit extrapolative / prescriptive. And in any case I'm not actively learning any of the above except Haskell as I said. Sorry I don't have much more insight to offer! I'm excited to see where the language goes though, and intend to eventually learn a lot more about it. :-)

EDIT: PS, I did find to be a nice beginner course, for anyone who stumbles across this. Just a starter, nothing thorough, but helpful nonetheless.