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Gonçalo Amaral
Gonçalo Amaral

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What is a FUSE filesystem? | Sep 2023

This is a follow-up to a previous article exploring/implementing a FUSE filesystem. There is still a lot of work so this will become a series.

What was done

  • Started writing tests
  • Improved filesystem mounting/unmounting flow
  • Added logging functions
  • Open - Mark node as open
  • Write - Write data to a file
  • Setattr - Change node mode
  • Getxattr - Get extended attribute
  • Remove - Remove file or directory

I started by writing some tests, to explore what interfaces I should implement next.

First tried to mount a unique filesystem in each test but started having trouble because I could not unmount the filesystem properly. This would be a huge pain as my tests grew. For now, I start the filesystem manually and run the tests against it.

The fuse library includes a fstestutil package that provides some functions to do exactly what I am trying to do but for some reason, the filesystem server hangs. In the future, I might give starting and mounting a filesystem in each test another try. I am running Linux in a VM, it should not cause problems but you never know. I also found a small bug in this package. Once I get this working I will contribute to the fuse repository.

Started by testing the Write method. Firstly I started with a basic success test, writing to a regular file. Note that the filesystem is mounted at /tmp/fusefs

t.Run("Success", func(t *testing.T) {
        generatedFile := GenerateTestFile(t, "/tmp/fusefs")
        str := "hello"
        n, err := generatedFile.WriteString(str)
        assert.Equal(t, len(str), n)
        require.NoError(t, err)
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Then a failure test, trying to write to a read-only file

t.Run("FileIsReadOnly", func(t *testing.T) {
        generatedFile := GenerateTestFile(t, "/tmp/fusefs")
        file, err := os.OpenFile(generatedFile.Name(), os.O_RDONLY, 0)
        require.NoError(t, err)
        t.Cleanup(func() { require.NoError(t, file.Close()) })

        n, err := file.WriteString("hello")
        assert.Zero(t, n)
        require.Error(t, err)
        pathErr, ok := err.(*fs.PathError)
        require.True(t, ok, "err is not *fs.PathError")
        errno, ok := pathErr.Err.(syscall.Errno)
        require.True(t, ok, "err is not syscall.Errno")
        assert.Equal(t, syscall.EBADF, errno)
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I tried using chmod on the file but realised I needed to implement the fs.NodeSetattrer interface to change the node permissions. I will probably explore node permissions after this series ends.

The fuse.SetattrRequest gives us a lot of fields but we will only use Mode for now. In the fuse source code, there was a comment (“The type of the node is not guaranteed to be sent by the kernel, in which case os.ModeIrregular will be set.”), I am not sure in what cases this could happen so I added an error log. I normally use man pages as a reference to how the function should behave and what error codes it should return. I suppose chmod triggers the method Setattr but could not find any info about this case.

func (n *fuseFSNode) Setattr(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.SetattrRequest, resp *fuse.SetattrResponse) error {
    // NOTE: res.Atrr is filled by Attr method

    if req.Mode&os.ModeIrregular != 0 {
        Errorf("call to Setattr with mode irregular")
        return nil

    n.Mode = req.Mode
    return nil
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After this, I followed the filesystem logs and it made a call to the fs.NodeGetxattrer interface. Not sure what was calling this but implemented it anyway. After reading the man pages I think implementing it was not necessary cause not all filesystems need to implement it (there is a ENOTSUP error code which indicates that xattrs are not supported). I have some vague idea of xattrs, so I will explore them in the future (probably along node permissions).

func (n fuseFSNode) Getxattr(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.GetxattrRequest, res *fuse.GetxattrResponse) error {
    // NOTE: req.Size is the size of res.Xattr. Size check is performed by fuse library

    if n.Xattrs == nil {
        return syscall.ENODATA

    value, found := n.Xattrs[req.Name]
    if !found {
        return syscall.ENODATA

    res.Xattr = []byte(value)
    return nil
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Finally for the test to end successfully a call to delete the file is needed, so the fs.NodeRemover was implemented.

func (n *fuseFSNode) Remove(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.RemoveRequest) error {
    for i, node := range n.Nodes {
        if node.Name == req.Name {
            // TODO: Test if rmdir fills req.Dir
            if req.Dir {
                if !node.Mode.IsDir() {
                    return syscall.ENOTDIR
                if len(req.Name) != 0 && req.Name[len(req.Name)-1] == '.' {
                    return syscall.EINVAL
            } else {
                if node.Mode.IsDir() {
                    return syscall.EISDIR

            n.Nodes = append(n.Nodes[:i], n.Nodes[i+1:]...)
            return nil
    return syscall.ENOENT
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At this point, the test was not returning the expected error. After some digging around I found that the Write method was checking the file OpenFlags . As the name suggests these flags check how the file was opened. Just had to open the file in read-only mode to make the test pass. This also made me realise I needed to check the file permissions. I will implement this in the future because I still need to figure out how to obtain the file/group owner and de request owner.

Our first method test is implemented, in the next article I will test the Remove method by using the syscalls rm, rmdir, unlink.


Top comments (1)

robert_ozomills_349633 profile image
Robert “Ozo” Mills

I'm commenting as apparently I'm way over my head. I joined here as a last ditch effort to stop intruders from mounting an running next os in a fuse file system without my knowledge or consent. Every device I get an have gets compromised. currently that's five not including iPhones because I can't see files. Even a pixel phone that's never been activated is now showing the root when it's not rooted nor have I ever rooted or jailbreak a device. Please advise as no software/app available can detect nor prevent such and I spent tons on supposedly best money can buy. Best I can do is block the apps with ai firewall there just so many that get changed with permissions they didn't have before and shouldn't have Its a loosing battle like visual voicemail being changed to gather system wide notifications as in every click , conversation both to and from txt even end to end point an then dialing out and passing them thru RTT calls all documented ..I hope I've not overstepped please mite you or others please help with this matter?? I've numerous screenshots an proof I've done been filed identity theft fraud ect law enforcement is useless and does not help nor care as I was told to destroy my devices by Louisa Sheriff's dept. Like that would help.. I know what's happening now after much investigating but not the how they gain access to start with but have a couple ide
Image descriptionas tho I can say one common dominator in each device is mbridge,mraid, native bridge an .js again sorry to ask for your help.. syk I'm not some. Nut or wrong see include screenshot I have many more if needed please someone help stop this