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Discussion on: NPM Start Problems

gouthamigou profile image

Sir,I 'm stuck at npx create-react-app please will you give me solution

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Can you please specify what exactly your problem is? Any error messages?
Then I am sure someone can help you :)

gouthamigou profile image

core-js@2.6.11 postinstall D:\sample\node_modules\babel-runtime\node_modules\core-js
node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

core-js@3.6.4 postinstall D:\sample\node_modules\core-js
node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

core-js-pure@3.6.4 postinstall D:\sample\node_modules\core-js-pure
node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

[?25l[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:p-limit: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m p-limit@1.3.0~posti[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:ansi-regex: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m ansi-regex@2.1.1~posti[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:extend-shallow: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m extend-shallow@2.0[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:has-value: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m has-value@1.0.0~postins[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:asn1.js: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m asn1.js@4.10.1~postinstal[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:os-browserify: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m os-browserify@0.3.0[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:cssesc: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m cssesc@2.0.0~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:regexpp: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m regexpp@3.0.0~postinstall[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:string_decoder: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m string_decoder@1.1[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:simple-swizzle: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m simple-swizzle@0.2[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:@babel/highlight: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m @babel/highlight[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:@babel/generator: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m @babel/generator[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:send: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m send@0.17.1~postinstall: sen[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:typedarray: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m typedarray@0.0.6~posti[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:postcss-color-gray: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m postcss-color-[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:schema-utils: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m schema-utils@2.6.5~p[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:utila: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m utila@0.4.0~postinstall: ut[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] | postinstall:cliui: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m cliui@4.1.0~postinstall: cl[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:string-width: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m string-width@3.1.0~p[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:pump: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m pump@2.0.1~postinstall: pump[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:yaml: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m yaml@1.8.3~postinstall: yaml[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall:postcss-loader: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m postcss-loader@3.0[[7m [27m[90m......[0m] / postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] / postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] / postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] / postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] \ postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] \ postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] / postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [[7m [27m[90m......[0m] - postinstall: [32minfo[0m [35mlifecycle[0m react-scripts@3.4.1~postinstall: [K[?25h+ cra-template@1.0.3

55 packages are looking for funding
run npm fund for details

found [92m0[0m vulnerabilities


am getting this type of error when i create a new react app

Thread Thread
darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

I can't see an error withing this log but some lines inbetween are cut off by "...".
Could you please format it with three backticks at the beginning and again at the end so it's well formatted?

Thread Thread
gouthamigou profile image

after that type of error only nodemodules,package-lock,package.json files are only created it is not creating the entire structure like src,public ..sir, please will you provide me the solution and how to solve it.

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darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Can you please provide the error message?

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gouthamigou profile image

core-js@2.6.11 postinstall D:\app2\node_modules\babel-runtime\node_modules\core-js

node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

core-js@3.6.4 postinstall D:\app2\node_modules\core-js
node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

core-js-pure@3.6.4 postinstall D:\app2\node_modules\core-js-pure
node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"

this was my error

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darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

I'm afraid but there is no error message. This is only the call stack.

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maitryshah67 profile image
Maitry shah

I am also getting the same messages , I know there are no errors but the code is getting stuck at the line of npm audit fix .
It doesn't show anything after that

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darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Which OS are you using? When on an Unix system, try to use sudo.
Otherwise try to delete your npm cache and try again.

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maitryshah67 profile image
Maitry shah

I'm using windows 10

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darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Same command, try npm cache clean and run your commands afterwards.

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maitryshah67 profile image
Maitry shah

Thanks for the suggestions but actually when i downloaded nodejs with 32 bits. It worked so thanks for ur time

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darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Good you solved it 😊

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maitryshah67 profile image
Maitry shah

Thank you so much

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kraman27 profile image
Aman Kumar

Hi, I'm facing the same problem, that it got stopped after npm audit fix. You did install nodejs for 32bit, but my system is 64 bit, what should I do ? Can you help me to figure it out.