DEV Community

Discussion on: 5 worst misconceptions people have about programmers

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

I'm not a programmer, but I've worked with many devs and been in the field for around 7 years.

The misconception I hear very frequently from devs in training/junior devs is that something must be wrong with them if they have a lot of questions. Like any field, if you have a question, it's a sign that you're learning, curious, and hungry for knowledge! I also think that junior devs are understandably anxious that they bother more senior devs if they ask them questions — while some days are busier than others, this just isn't the case! The Q&A process makes teams closer ⭐️

mindninjax profile image
Rishabh Singh ⚡

Thanks Gracie for sharing your experience! And yes communication plays a great role...

i2mo profile image

This is sooo true! Thanks for your comment.