DEV Community

Discussion on: Moving Towards an Accessibility-First Approach

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Great and interesting article and insight, glad to see the attempts to put accessibility on the map (literally, I love the idea of accessibility land!)

Couple of quick ones:

Is there a high quality image or better yet a way of accessing the map itself? I would love to see the steps you put in but compression makes it impossible to read.

If you want a way to slowly introduce the team to accessibility and not overwhelm them start with your website rather than the web app.

There are loads of things on there that can be fixed relatively quickly and it is the ideal place to learn how to use a screen reader, see how hard it is to navigate by keyboard etc.

The DSA team could put a lot of issues on your issue tracker in bite-sized pieces and then associate the fix with who it would help.

For example:

honour prefers-reduced-motion for the six feature graphics on the home page.

People with vestibular (movement based) disorders can be made to feel sick by the movement. Also people with cognitive disorders such as ADHD or paranoia can be easily distracted / unsettled by unexpected movement.




  • Chrome developer tools

(This could be screen reader, screen magnifier etc. incrementally introduce different technologies and make it part of the DSA teams job to provide information on installation and usage when the time comes. It also makes it easier to slowly introduce screen reader features. For example you could have a basic "heading levels skipped" task and introduce the shortcut keys 1 through 6, later you could have "read more" links and introduce the "K", "U" and "V" shortcut keys for cycling links etc.)

Go to developer tools and under "rendering" switch on "Emulate CSS Media feature prefers-reduced-motion". If the animations no longer play on the page with this switched on it is successfully fixed.

Anyway just a minor suggestion on one way to let people quickly get their hands dirty and benefit the company at the same time!

You could always keep an "inaccessible" version of the website somewhere that people can follow the same steps / bug fixes on in the future!

muralengineering profile image
MURAL Engineering

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts! Sadly, because is compressing our high res images, we have no way to share this image with you at the moment.
As for your WCAG suggestions, these are great ideas, and the DSA team has been working on a lot of them already! This piece just covers one part of their many initiatives.

grahamthedev profile image

You could upload the image to imgur or similar service and provide it as a link rather than an embedded image. As I said, I would love to see it!

Glad to hear some of my suggestions might be useful!