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Discussion on: Animations without JS...or CSS...or IMAGES??!? šŸ˜² Pure HTML animation!

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

The title might have the clickbait style but it isn't clickbait if you tell the truth and deliver on your promise surely? šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‚

As for attracting the best audiences, you are here so I would say I most certainly do attract the best people šŸ˜‰ā¤

0vortex profile image
TED Vortex (Teodor Eugen Duțulescu)

I was ironic, it's not HTML it's PHP ... hence the clickbait.

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

It is just a .php extension - check the outputted HTML it is indeed just a load of HTML, it would work equally well with a .html extension.

It uses <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url={next frame}" /> meta tag to request the next frame (which is stored on an individual URL), then after a certain amount of frames it just requests the first frame again ([...]1.php).

Each frame is just HTML. If you open it on a PC you will see the URL changes rapidly. No PHP trickery I promise!

0vortex profile image
TED Vortex (Teodor Eugen Duțulescu)

you could have just gotten the cue btw but this just proves to show you know EXACTLY what you are doing.

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grahamthedev profile image

You should perhaps check out the other items in the series, there is only one where the title is a little bit misleading and that was due to character count and I expand upon that in the first paragraph (

As for knowing what I was doing I cannot tell if you are being ironic or not in writing so I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

The only clickbait titles I have are the two recent ones on listicles, and I am sure if you like irony and silliness you would love them as they are pure sarcasm!