DEV Community

Shruti Pandey
Shruti Pandey

Posted on

9 3

What is HackForChange & why you should join it.

Image descriptionHave you ever thought about how #technology for social good can #impact on a larger number of people from our #society ?

Of course, you'd know what tech for social good is but here you can find all the next steps about how it works and how Hack For Change (HFC) is taking initiative to perform technology driven solutions for social good.

Link to blog: What is HackForChange & why you should join it.
We've a #blog written by Abhijit Bhat it is just a two minute read to know more about What is #HackForChange & why you should join it.

If you're looking for opensource projects to contribute to and want to work towards technology driven solutions for social good you should definitely have a look on this blog.

Top comments (5)

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

It looks for a nice initiative. Are you planning expand to Europe region?

gyalmo profile image
Shruti Pandey

it's open to all

biomathcode profile image
Pratik sharma

Seems nice.

gyalmo profile image
Shruti Pandey


gyalmo profile image
Shruti Pandey

yes indeed it is 😍