DEV Community

Gary Lu
Gary Lu

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Why I Choose WebStorm Over VSCode

As a front-end developer with four years of experience, I've often found myself as the odd one out in my team for my choice of IDE. While the majority of my colleagues surf the waves of Visual Studio Code (VSCode), I remain steadfastly committed to WebStorm. This decision is not a matter of stubbornness or resistance to change but is rooted in a decade-long journey of software development that has shaped my preferences and workflows.

A Decade with JetBrains IDEs

My journey with JetBrains products began long before I delved into front-end development. From 2015 to 2021, I utilized Android Studio for developing Android applications. In the realm of Android development, it remains the top choice even today, and my preference was established during that period.
Over the next two years, I ventured into backend and frontend development. For Java programming, IntelliJ IDEA was my first and unquestionable choice. However, in the frontend arena, while most of my colleagues use VSCode, my experiences have instilled in me a profound appreciation for the interaction design and feature set of JetBrains IDEs.
As a result, I use WebStorm for developing frontend projects.
Here are the key reasons why I continue to choose WebStorm over VSCode:

1. Seamless Transition from IDEA Products

Having spent six years immersed in the JetBrains ecosystem, switching to WebStorm was a natural progression. The familiarity with the interface, shortcuts, and overall design significantly reduced the learning curve. The muscle memory and workflow efficiency I've developed over the years transferred seamlessly to WebStorm, allowing me to focus on coding rather than relearning an IDE.

2. Robust Out-of-the-Box Features

One of the standout features of WebStorm is its comprehensive set of tools and features available right out of the box. Unlike VSCode, which relies heavily on extensions to achieve similar functionality, WebStorm provides a robust environment that includes:

  • Advanced JavaScript and TypeScript support
  • Comprehensive code refactoring tools
  • Built-in debugging and testing tools
  • Seamless integration with version control systems
  • Excellent support for modern frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js

These features significantly enhance productivity and reduce the need to hunt for and manage multiple extensions.

3. Superior Code Analysis and Refactoring

WebStorm excels in code analysis and refactoring capabilities. The IDE provides intelligent code completion, on-the-fly error detection, and powerful refactoring tools that are a cut above what VSCode offers through its extensions. This level of code insight is invaluable for maintaining high code quality and accelerating development.

4. Integrated Development Tools

WebStorm's integration with build tools, task runners, and package managers is seamless. Whether it's Webpack, Gulp, npm, or Yarn, WebStorm handles these integrations with ease. The built-in terminal, database tools, and REST client further consolidate the development environment, making it a one-stop shop for all development needs.

5. Consistent Updates and Support

JetBrains is known for its regular updates and excellent support. WebStorm receives frequent updates that bring new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The active community and responsive support team ensure that any issues are quickly addressed, providing a stable and reliable development environment.


While VSCode is undeniably a powerful and popular IDE, my preference for WebStorm is deeply rooted in my extensive experience with JetBrains products. The seamless transition, robust out-of-the-box features, superior code analysis, integrated development tools, and consistent updates make WebStorm the ideal choice for my development needs.

That said, I remain open to using VSCode if the need arises. For now, WebStorm satisfies all my work requirements and aligns perfectly with my workflow, giving me no compelling reason to switch. By sticking with WebStorm, I can leverage a decade's worth of familiarity and efficiency, enabling me to focus on what I do best—writing high-quality code.

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