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Nafis Ahmad
Nafis Ahmad

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How to become a better Learner

Don’t be the confused Learner

For last 30 years, I meet a lot of confused learners. Who are confused which is the best programming language Java or C++. Then need to know which one is best, he will learn that from the best book on C++ and then he will start working on the project in hand and earn a lot of money. But the what best programming laguage debates does not stops and the best book on topic is unreachable.

Don't get hung up on finding the absolute "best" language. There's no single "best" book or video. Explore different resources which ever fit you best. Languages and frameworks evolve, so focus on core concepts. In 1999, it might have been Java vs. C++. Today, it's something new – that's natural progress. But you have to be a quick learner to adopt new stuff and partice to be come masters.

Balance of Light and Dark

A photo with 100% light becomes a blank canvas, while 100% darkness leaves you with nothing but shadows. A great artist knows about this. Balancing the light and the colors according to your desire makes you a better artist. You have to learn these skills by learning how to use the tools, then by doing experiments using available tools around you. You have to use your tools again and again to improve your skills. Being a master of your craft takes time. Your work will reflect your skills.

It's impossible to learn everything, then start working. Human brain does not work in that way.

Hands-on learning is key!

Don't just follow a book or video passively. Instead, start with a project that excites you. As you build, you'll naturally encounter problems that reveal the knowledge you need.

Imagine you're working on a project that requires variables and arrays. Instead of reading a general chapter in a book, find the specific section on these concepts that directly addresses your project's needs. This problem-solving approach will solidify your understanding much faster.

Focus on learning just what you need, when you need it. There's no point in overwhelming yourself with every detail at once. Skip irrelevant chapters and online filler content. Look for concise resources that deliver the information you need to keep moving forward with your project.

Learn to balance the Light and Darkness to get beautify photo.

Enjoy learning and making stuff. You will enjoy life.

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